Take your puffed up ...Griffin is as dubious a source as any; instead of arguing his merit you cast insults ... if you want to hitch your wagon to the irreputable Griffin go right ahead.
As Griffin is a source of many conspiracy theories involving the Fed, just remember:
Conspiracy theories are the favored tools of the weak-minded.
I still have no respect for your puffed up, arrogant, condescending opinion. Griffin is no guru, but I certainly respect what he has said more than anything you’ve written. You sound jealous that he has recognition by some ... or is that your job, to throw water on the theories that the fed is a corrupt oligarchical cabal?
I note that you are on the Nut-Job Conspiracy Ping list...
...although it is perhaps worth mentioning that you were grandfathered in from the original thread and didn’t actually threaten me to get on it.