Two other U.S. ambassadors have died in plane crashes:
Arnold L. Raphel, in Pakistan, 1988
Laurence A. Steinhardt, in Canada, 1950
Source: Chris Stevens is among six U.S. ambassadors killed by terrorists
Four out of five (Guatemala is the exception) were killed in connection with Muslim terrorists, under the Watergate/post-Vietnam encumbered Presidencies of Nixon and Ford, and of course the hapless Jimmy Carter. Lesson learned: a weak foreign policy and a President seen as ineffective will lead to attacks on Americans overseas in high risk areas.
This was the opening shot in the communist (Russian) takeover of Afghanistan.
Francis E. Meloy Jr., in Lebanon, 1976
PLFP is credited with this one.
Rodger P. Davies, in Cyprus, 1974
Greek Cypriot demonstrators.
Cleo A. Noel Jr., in Sudan, 1973
Another PLFP operation. Arrafat actually had a hand in this, and he later won the Nobel Peace Prize. Go figure.
Arnold L. Raphel, in Pakistan, 1988
Mysterious plane crashes are the hallmark of the ISI, Paki intelligence service.
Dubs and Meloy were on Carter's watch. There doesn't seem to be much downside to these activities. You might even win a Nobel Prize. I wish Reagan was president.
In the late sixties American Ambassador Elbrick was captured and held for weeks by leftist terrorists in Brazil. The same terrorist gang had already murdered a Japanese envoy and a European Ambassador. They threatened to kill Elbrick if detained Brazilian terrorists were not released. The Brazilians released the terrorists, who flew to Cuba. Elbrick was then released. Other diplomats below the rank of Ambassador have also been murdered. For example, a foreign service officer was killed with Cleo Noel in Sudan. Other FSOs have been killed or wounded in hot spots ranging from Guatemala, Lebanon, Africa to Vietnam.One thing for certain: our Ambassador to libya was not an Obama bundler like the sorry gang of hooked up play diplomats that occupy plush spots from Dublin to Paris.