I had the opposite take: d'Souza was taking advantage of a psychological ploy that the libs have used for decades.
That is, if you talk to someone authoritatively about a topic, and they havent' been exposed to it before, you *become* the voice of reason and clarity.
The film had a solid hour of biographical facts presented as a documentary where the audience is discovering along with d'Souza, so they are predisposed to take his side.
Then the film shows a brief montage / vignette of the talking heads discussing among themselves how they don't know anything of Obama's world view, followed by the obligatory name-calling towards d'Souza.
It showed them up as frauds and bullies, trying desperately to pin *some* code-word label on d'Souza because they were not informed enough to challenge him on the facts.
Using their own "strength" against them.
That is so true. But winning over the hearts and minds of the sheeple who get their news from bullies requires fighting back IMHO.