Why does the headline call the letter anti-gay?
It is not necessarily anti-gay to oppose gay hook-ups being called marriage. It is just a matter of making reasonable distinctions, which happen to be honored in millennia of tradition, and in virtually all cultures (and certainly all the viable and important ones).
The matter of homosexuality is complicated. It is also personal, and hardly a thing which can be solved by a simple-minded political formula. The left is simply using this issue as another means to corral a demographic into their herd.
Ordinary, polite people with no hang-ups themselves can usually co-exist with all sorts of individuals. Gays are little threat to me, as long as they are not aggressive, and don’t make me watch.
My wife and I are very conservative, yet we have gay friends. We have many friends with whom we do not agree on all matters. No problem. We do not need the government or some identity-movement to tell us how to live.
That’s a great picture. I live for this stuff. Hollyweird clashing with reality - LOL!
Well: The mother doesn’t have to work with all the perverts ,her son has to.
Hollyweird has been filled with perverts for 75 year at least.
It looks like that apple (Brad) fell a LONG way from the tree!
My guess is that she prays daily for her son. ;-/
Good for Mrs. Pitt.
So when are the homosexualist and abortion enthusiasts going to demand Brad Pitt be blacklisted in Hollywood?
How uncool. Angie must make her cringe with the evil
They should not vote for him because of his past record.
She says of Romney "is against abortion, and shares Christian conviction concerning homosexuality"
Actually, what she says of Obama is true of Romney also:
"(Obama ) is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage."
So does Romney, althogh he goes back and forth on those issues as necessary to fool people into voting for him.
His mommie supported abortion also, and he dutifully followed in her footsteps.
shame she can’t knock some sense into her kid and for the life of me I cannot understand how people like this mother let her child become so screwed up.
I have kids and teach them every day what is right and wrong and what thye have to look out for off the TV, media papers , school etc.
Pitt once told Ellen DeGeneres, “Ive said that we would not be getting married until everyone in this country had the right to get married.”
I have to hand it to Pitt for finding a novel way to dodge that bullet and give his lib girlfriend the impression that he’s doing it for some noble reason too! I didn’t think he was that cunning.
Looks like this nut (brad) fell quite far from the tree, indeed.
Another weak pr!ck who can’t stand against the prevailing winds.
Jane Pitt must be a FReeper.
Brangelina’s mom and dad (the one whose Chrysler leBaron I drive) are A-OK!
Just act, Brad, and stfu about politics.
Mrs. Pitt - see my tagline.