“absolutely, lets all go out and vote for the communist Obama.”
Couldn’t agree more! Nothing like a good hard core communist to fix things. Imagine America is ill, Obama is the cancer. What do you do? More Obama! We’ll just kill the patient and hope for a resurrection.
the doi does mention dumping the old system and starting from scratch...why try to fix a broken system...freedom lost is lost forever...to keep on doing the same bs over and over is...what did that little guy call it...???
Romney, if he wins, will carefully maintain the kenyan gains until the Republican Congress goes away in 2014 and until he is voted out of office in 2016 in favor of the new Democrat heir to the kenyan or perhaps to the kenyan himself. In the meantime the Romney will have appointed a couple more Supremes from the commie Left as he showed us he is wont to do in Massachusetts to make things smoother for the official Totalitarians when they get the presidency back.