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IT caqn comfortably be said that the democRATS and the left started this war of mockery by mocking Republicans for every little thing (see Saul Alinsky). Now that their by is the target of such mockery they can stand it.
Sometimes judgement is the better part of valor. You dumbass democRATS should have thought that before you went down te mockery route.
I beg to differ. I think they are super funny. Not only that, but it shoved the mittens "dog on top of car" meme right back in their face.
No, I'm not a mittens supporter and if he is the nominee, I will write in my choice and vote Conservative down the line.
I take pleasure in ALL opportunities to throw barrys vomit back in his face.
Keep up the humor and comedic attacks!
There is nothing so powerful for our side. Remember how Al Gore threw in the towel when the Sore Loserman signs started popping up all over the country?
Let the other side get mean and nasty while we have fun.
BTW, I don’t care what Obama ate as a kid. The idea is to show up the pathetic desperation of the idiots claiming Romney abused his dog. They should be laughed out of the public square!
“Michelle. Michelle!! Is this poodle meat fresh?”
And this is the problem he is not an American Black man he is a product of a foreign up bringing he has not a clue of the american story Our first black President should have been Leroy Jones not a Barrack Hussien Obama sounds like some douce bag cab drivers name that smells of curried collie pos sob
I like the ridicule of Obama for dog-eating. But the serious point to be made he is that he is culturally different from the culture that made America the greatest nation on earth. That cultural difference shows up in his attitudes toward governance, power and the Constitution. And that is proving to be a disaster for our nation.
Laugh at him . . . absolutely. But make some real and serious points about the problems it has created.
Au contraire. These picks have made for some of the funniest FR "funny photos on a theme" threads I've seen in ages. There was one yesterday that had me laughing till I cried.
That technique is know as.....
Wok the Dog!
Obama can eat all the dog he wants...that just saves the pu...umm, CAT for the REAL men.
Dog eating bastard.
“I don’t eat dog! SCAVS eat dog!”-Molly Ringwold in SPACEHUNTER, Adventures in the Forbidden Zone.
We can’t afford four more years of Obama. Four more years and we’ll all be eating dog.