To: Morgana
Part of the plan, folks. Obama stokes racial hatred to the point that this kind of behavior becomes too common for good folks to tolerate it . . . some sort of small race war/conflict occurs and several people on both sides are killed.
Dissolves Congress and the Court - begins campaign to confiscate all firearms/private possession of which will result in a felony punishable by internment for not less than 10 years.
Could very well be his plan.
10 posted on
04/04/2012 2:55:42 PM PDT by
(Anybody but Obama!!!!)
To: Sudetenland
You hit it right on the nose. Hitler has his Brown Shirts, Obama will have his brown skinned enforcers. This is going to get far, far worse.
To: Sudetenland
What would the military do if the Liberal Messiah attempted to make himself king?
50 posted on
04/04/2012 4:47:53 PM PDT by
Repeal 16-17
(Let me know when the Shooting starts.)
To: Sudetenland
Early November would be my guess.
51 posted on
04/04/2012 4:49:20 PM PDT by
(Please be aware any /sarc tag is for the lurkers, not the Freepers.)
To: Sudetenland
He would have more problems than he knows what to do with .Not only a resistance movement that moves beyond beating its gums but active resistance from LEO’s who are not totally stupid. It would be the end of the country club Republicans & protofascist Democrats would be handing from tree limbs & street lights.
58 posted on
04/04/2012 6:04:58 PM PDT by
Nebr FAL owner
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