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It Begins...Youths Screaming "This Is For Trayvon" Beat 78 Year-Old White Man In Toledo
Michael Berry ^
| 4/4/2012
| Michael Berry
Posted on 04/04/2012 2:41:50 PM PDT by Morgana
Mr. Watts said one of the boys delivered a single blow to the back of his head during the incident Saturday, knocking the victim to the ground.
At one point, the victim recalled being lifted from the ground so one of the boys could drop-kick him in the chest.
One boy, he said, put his foot on the back of the victims neck, with another shouting, Kill him.
While Mr. Watts was down the boys kicked him, over and over, shouting, [Get] that white [man]. This is for Trayvon
Trayvon lives, white [man]. Kill that white [man], according to a police report.
The boys fled when a man shouted at them, according to the report.
Mr. Watts said its possible the assault was retribution for the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, who was fatally shot by George Zimmerman, a Neighborhood Watch captain in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26. Mr. Zimmerman has said he fired in self-defense and has not been charged with any crime.
TOPICS: Chit/Chat
KEYWORDS: bow4dnc; bow4doj; bow4holder; chimpout; crime; hatecrime; holderskillers; trayvon; trayvonmartin; trayvonmob
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To: Morgana
Of course it matters not that Zimmerman is Hispanic. Any excuse to beat up an old, white guy will do. Who ARE the racists?
posted on
04/04/2012 3:50:36 PM PDT
(Socialism is SO yesterday. Fascism, it's the new black. Mmm mmm mmm...)
To: EyeGuy
“I dont know about the rest of the world, but the OVERWHELMINGLY majority of racism, individual and institutional in the once great United States, is directed, even targeted, against whites.”
I would agree
posted on
04/04/2012 3:54:44 PM PDT
(Pray more and shoot straight.........)
To: Morgana
This really isn't new in Toledo. I'm from Toledo. Back in 1965 my brother and cousin were walking to downtown Toledo from the suburbs. A group of about 10 black kids stopped them and wanted money and cigarettes. My brother and cousin were only 12 and 13 yrs. old. They didn't have any money or cigs, so the black kids beat them up and stole their gloves. Broke my cousins ribs and pushed my brother's bottom lip right through his bottom teeth. In 1966 I was driving home from work and a black kid about 18 yrs. old opened my passenger door at a red light, got in my car and stuck a switch blade to my neck and told me not to do anything. Of course I jumped out of my car and 2 guys who saw what happened chased the kid. Also in 1966 my sister and husband came home from the drive-in and there was a black guy with a hatchet in their bedroom. He got out through a window when he heard my brother-in-law load his shot gun that he kept in the hall. All this was in Toledo many years ago, It isn't anything new.
posted on
04/04/2012 4:03:14 PM PDT
Cindy of Nashville
(What has the Democrat party become???)
To: riri
I guess it's easy to delude yourselves when you are all concentrated in a dozen or two inner cities.That delusion will go poof when truckers can't or won't deliver food into the cities.
posted on
04/04/2012 4:10:56 PM PDT
("All cults of personality start out as high drama and end up as low comedy.")
To: fullchroma
The Negros want a race war. Obama and Holder want a race war.
posted on
04/04/2012 4:13:49 PM PDT
(Democrats = Trough Sloppers!)
To: fullchroma
The Negros want a race war. Obama and Holder want a race war.
posted on
04/04/2012 4:14:09 PM PDT
(Democrats = Trough Sloppers!)
To: Stentor
You have a point about truckers “won’t deliver food to the inner cities.” Look what happened to that white truck driver during the Rodney King riots. They drug him out of his truck and about killed him with bricks.
posted on
04/04/2012 4:17:04 PM PDT
Cindy of Nashville
(What has the Democrat party become???)
To: Morgana
I want to know why Ayers and his wife have not been tried for treason.
posted on
04/04/2012 4:30:21 PM PDT
(Give me back my conservative vote; then find me a real conservative to vote for)
To: This I Wonder32460
Don’t you remember his Grandmother was a racist Honky?
Pray for America
posted on
04/04/2012 4:46:31 PM PDT
(Power to We the People)
To: Sudetenland
What would the military do if the Liberal Messiah attempted to make himself king?
posted on
04/04/2012 4:47:53 PM PDT
Repeal 16-17
(Let me know when the Shooting starts.)
To: Sudetenland
Early November would be my guess.
posted on
04/04/2012 4:49:20 PM PDT
(Please be aware any /sarc tag is for the lurkers, not the Freepers.)
To: Morgana
What really pi$$es me off is I live in Toledo and found out about this Wednesday, when it happened Saturday.....and worse yet....from a national news sight, not even the local paper.
I thought the next civil war would be ideology (libs vs conservatives). Looks like Jesse, Charles, and Obummer want to take us back to the 50’s and early 60’s
posted on
04/04/2012 4:51:39 PM PDT
To: mckenzie7
The Negros want a race war.Obama and Holder want a race war.
posted on
04/04/2012 4:55:03 PM PDT
(FUBO and all your terrorist buddies)
To: NDJeep
I thought the next civil war would be ideology (libs vs conservatives). Looks like Jesse, Charles, and Obummer want to take us back to the 50s and early 60s.The Second Civil War will be between Liberals and Conservatives. Race is simply a sub-issue.
posted on
04/04/2012 4:55:50 PM PDT
Repeal 16-17
(Let me know when the Shooting starts.)
To: Repeal 16-17
They will follow their orders like they always do. The officers and NCOs won’t question higher orders.
Senior leaders are very politically correct, and will do what the whatever the CINC tells them.
posted on
04/04/2012 4:57:20 PM PDT
To: Astronaut
Negros don’t. The other N-word’s do. There is a difference. One is a race, the other is a mindset.
posted on
04/04/2012 5:16:27 PM PDT
Secret Agent Man
(I'd like to tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.)
To: damper99
They will follow their orders like they always do. The officers and NCOs wont question higher orders.Senior leaders are very politically correct, and will do what the whatever the CINC tells them.
What about the enlisted men and women? Do you believe that if the Liberal Messiah staged a coup, they would simply obey orders to shoot fellow Americans? That would be necessary for a coup to be successful.
I believe the military would fracture at least three ways: support the Liberal Messiah; support America; desert.
posted on
04/04/2012 5:35:55 PM PDT
Repeal 16-17
(Let me know when the Shooting starts.)
To: Sudetenland
He would have more problems than he knows what to do with .Not only a resistance movement that moves beyond beating its gums but active resistance from LEO’s who are not totally stupid. It would be the end of the country club Republicans & protofascist Democrats would be handing from tree limbs & street lights.
posted on
04/04/2012 6:04:58 PM PDT
Nebr FAL owner
(.308 reach out & thump someone .50 cal.Browning Machine gun reach out & crush someone)
To: Morgana
Shame the old fellow wasn’t packin’.
posted on
04/04/2012 6:39:09 PM PDT
(TEXAS GAL- born and bred and proud of it!)
And the jackass hasn’t spoken out against this crap.
posted on
04/05/2012 12:16:56 AM PDT
Gene Eric
(Newt/Sarah 2012)
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