Thanks for the clarification. I see the point that we do need to dig in and monitor our locales, especially in our local small papers.
This outfit is starting to become active in my area - they are 100% Agenda-21. If you dig into this site you can see references to it - they aren’t hiding it...All the Agenda-21 agencies are connected - they work together.
Anytime you read a cute puff piece that smells like Agenda 21 in your local newspaper it is most certainly Agenda 21 driven...they need to be outed.
I can’t stress enough that all of us here have to be vigilant in watching our own backyards and the news, groups, non-profits, etc. that are creeping into them - we all have to be active on our local papers - Because - THEY ARE - that’s their STRATEGY.
The time is-WAS now-YESTERDAY...