I’ve always kept a tin foil hat in my back pocket for the theory that they’ve long discovered how to wipe cancer out but for the money wrt fundraising and grants for research etc. For me, I’d love to believe that this is available now given every time I turn around someone I know is diagnosed with some form of the big “C”.
I lost my father to it back in 2007 and there’s nothing I’d love more than for my kids to know their grandpa that much better. He was truly a great man.
You’re not crazy.
For instance, they have a treatment that is 80-95 percent totally effective against colon cancer.
I know because a good friend of mine died from colon cancer, and I had internet-researched it before he died and found the clinical studies, but never was able to convince him to try it.
And even now, three years later, they keep dragging on and on the clinical studies, and more and more people die...