For once I am behind a Kennedy!
Seems he could have had obtained permission/clearance from the nurse in charge and perhaps a chaperone. I have never heard of parents taking newborns outside of the hospital until fully discharged.
Certainly, with the terrifying stories of infant abductions from maternity wards - he should have known the protocol. He is, after all, a reporter.
Not me. Once again a Kennedy believes they are above any protocol. Hospitals have their protocol and I am sure that was explained to Kennedy, but he wouldn't listen. What if EVERY father did this?
You wrote: “For once I am behind a Kennedy!”
You should probably give the situation more thoughtful consideration.
Hospitals have rules for the discharge of patients. Rules, I’m sure, that Douglas, “heir of the Kennedy Dynasty,” (as the reporter on the video called Douglas) believes only pertains to us peons and not him or his relatives.
Worst case scenario: What if something happened to the baby or if the baby contracted something while outside the hospital? Who’s responsible? This Kennedy nit-wit? Again, more “reckless behavior” exhibited by the Kennedy’s because they think they are special and above it all. Need examples: playing football while skiing and running into a tree; abusing babysitters, flying small aircraft at night when you are NOT INSTRUMENT QUALIFIED; leaving a young woman for dead in Chappaquidick to save your political neck; and on and on. This “Dynasty” has left nothing but destruction in its path.
Let me tell you as a former Democrat and Bostonian about the Kennedys. They like to throw around the term: “The Noblesse Oblige.” That is: “The Obligated Nobility.”
We don’t have any “Nobles” or “Dynasties” in this Nation and great “Republic” and I don’t need anyone “lording” over me. With the blessings afforded Our Nation AND me by My Lord, I have made the best of those blessings and opportunities beginning with escaping the shit hole that was The Bunker Hill Street Housing Project.
Kennedys, I don’t need you “taking care” of me and I don’t want you, any way, shape or form, “governing” us. Stay the hell out of my and my fellow citizen’s lives! Thank you very much.