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To: A_perfect_lady

As my kids moved into adulthood, I discussed this reality with them... I don’t really enjoy the stress or work of putting up decorations, putting together cards, having to go out with rude people to “shop.” Two years ago we did a Christmas movie, still with quite a few “normal” Christmas activities. That is now a standing activity; this morning we caught Sherlock. Last year fewer gifts. This year, I told my kids no gifts, I would rather donate and enjoy the time. Son still insisted on one bluray movie, but I am so much more relaxed.

140 posted on 12/24/2011 6:08:58 PM PST by ican'tbelieveit (Washington,DC is FULL of people with Political Experience... How's that Working out for you??)
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To: ican'tbelieveit
It's amazing the difference it makes. I mean, there is nothing I want. My parents, friends, and sister also have enough money to buy whatever they want for themselves. I think everyone would be much happier if Christmas were more like Thanksgiving. Food, drink, hanging out... gifts for small children, yes, but the rest of us? I mean, must we? It's so stressful, too, trying to figure out what to get people. And you never really, really know if they like it. I got a friend this cut crystal vase one year... a few years later we had a joint yardsale, and guess what was one of the thing she was selling?? (I know she didn't remember I gave it to her, she wouldn't deliberately hurt someone's feelings.) And I think of the things I've gotten over the years that I just had to hide in the closet for a year or two before sneaking off to Goodwill with it... it's all just so unnecessary.

Once I put a stop to it, my Christmas stress vanished. I just admire the pretty lights, drink my coffee with the Irish Cream in it, and go about my business.

154 posted on 12/24/2011 6:28:01 PM PST by A_perfect_lady
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