It's amazing the difference it makes. I mean, there is nothing I want. My parents, friends, and sister also have enough money to buy whatever they want for themselves. I think everyone would be much happier if Christmas were more like Thanksgiving. Food, drink, hanging out... gifts for small children, yes, but the rest of us? I mean, must we? It's so stressful, too, trying to figure out what to get people. And you never really, really know if they like it. I got a friend this cut crystal vase one year... a few years later we had a joint yardsale, and guess what was one of the thing she was selling?? (I know she didn't remember I gave it to her, she wouldn't deliberately hurt someone's feelings.) And I think of the things I've gotten over the years that I just had to hide in the closet for a year or two before sneaking off to Goodwill with it... it's all just so unnecessary.
Once I put a stop to it, my Christmas stress vanished. I just admire the pretty lights, drink my coffee with the Irish Cream in it, and go about my business.
My friend was stressing early December about what to buy her boyfriend for Christmas, or his birthday (Dec. birthday). I told her I had made the observation a few years ago that when I need something, I buy it. So I really don’t have material wants or needs when it comes to Christmas. Why not plan a trip somewhere with him.
She did that. He loved it.
Personally, I found some property I want on the Colorado-Wyoming border, so if anyone is dying to give me a gift... LOL!