How did He treat the moneylenders in the temple? He turned over their tables and lashed them out with a whip.
You must be listening to the Methodists, Episcopalians or Lutherans. Pity.
Listen to me my brother, send me your love offering (I accept personal checks, Visa and MasterCard) and in return, I'll pray for you and send you a blessed prayer hankie...God Bless You Brother!
Your fellow soldier in the Army of Christ,
I don't subscribe to any particular religion and I'm on record here in saying so. Why? Because each and every one of them, YOURS included, is filled with hypocrites such as yourself, consumed with your own self-righteousness at the exclusion of the attrocities which go on within your own churches........
Until you're able to purge your own ranks of homosexuals, adulterers, pederasts and liars, don't preach to me who I should accept in a personal family environment....