He was really cute. He’s a Chiropractor. Wait until he finds out it’s not covered in Obamacare. Hope he has some equity in that million dollar house.
Sounds like you’re better off without him :-)
Ah yes, such an honorable profession, where 90% of ones client are personal injury attorney referrals.
A chiropractor? How poetic, living off of others who have a spine.
He was really cute. Hes a Chiropractor. Wait until he finds out its not covered in Obamacare. Hope he has some equity in that million dollar house.
Not covered in Obamacare-well I hope he doesnt get out of joint because of that.
I would’ve guessed he was a proctologist.
Well, if he’s in Calif. and owns a million dollar house, he’s probably doing what most chiropractors here do, milk the workers’ comp system, big time. It’s just about the perfect crime. It is rampant here, although there ARE a FEW good honest ones still, just a few.
If he was really living in a million-dollar house, he wouldn’t feel the ‘need’ to brag about it. He sounds like a real putz. Just sayin...
And yes, just wait until these idiots on the left find out/discover what special built-in surprises are in store for them with ObamaCare...when it starts kickin in. That is... IF we can’t get it repealed. Unfortunately for leftists, there’s no cure for stupid. And unfortunately for us, the truly stupid are taking their toll on America and on our lifestyle and freedoms. I really don’t think we can afford to allow them to continue this way.
Why don’t you say to him, “Chiropractor, adjust thyself?”