Fatherhood does change every man, some for the better, some for the worse.
Can just speak for myself, was 21 years old when our first daughter was born. It then hit me like a ton of bricks, I was now responsible for this child.
Wife and I both came from hellish broken homes. When that birth took place, I swore that no matter what came, I would never abandon or mistreat our children.
“When that birth took place, I swore that no matter what came, I would never abandon or mistreat our children.”
Once in a great while my wife and I will disagree more than we should in front of the kids. Lots of their friends have divorced parents. One daughter asked a year or more ago “Are you guys getting a divorce?”
“No honey, and we’re sorry we argued in front of you. it’s okay for us to disagree, but we shouldn’t have done it in fornt of you. And no, when we got married it is ‘until death do us part’- divorce is not an option with us.”
After thinking about that for a bit, she asked “So did you sign that when you got married, or is that an option that you added on later?”
I came from a Leave to Beaver upbringing...mom was not terribly maternal...dad made up for it as inspiring and always there
sometimes when folks marry young they sorta keep dating as they raise kids
i recall my mom telling me her relationship with dad was the paramount one in the family..which I found offputting till I finally got a kid brother when I was 12
I never thought like that and made sure I got a wife who didn't either...and 5 kids later..we sure don't even though we make a lot of “time” for ourselves even as old geezers
we all learn from mistakes our folks made no matter how small ...
my only complaint about today is too many younger parents I see don't discipline and the women have too much influence on boy raising and in the family in general...the men being rather meek
and here in Dixie the young parents do not raise with the old manners like we do...I'm 53 and wifey is 45 and our youngest is 4 so many of our parenting peers are Genx or even Gen Y in some cases. I'm mid boomer and she's on the Boomer/X line
I am a born dad...no question about it at all...I love women and the lure of their physicality and hence one can expect spawn and must be prepared to deal with that consequence...but if someone had told me in 1972 listening to Stairway to Heaven drinking bongwater I'd have 5 kids and be with one woman ..a long time...I woulda laffed my ass off.
But like you said...once a woman's jeans get tight and her boobs swell and her hair thickens and shines with the ripeness of carrying life...it all just jelled for me
shame so many segments of our culture have no clue what I speak of