To: traumer
Not guilty!
5 posted on
08/03/2011 7:14:18 PM PDT by
To: BreezyDog
Good grief! Thats guilty as friggin hell!
Get yourself a new pair of eyes, pard.
11 posted on
08/03/2011 7:17:04 PM PDT by
Celtic Cross
(The brain is the weapon; everything else is just accessories. --FReeper Joe Brower)
To: BreezyDog
You have very humble standards. To put it mildly.
To: BreezyDog
Demi Moore?
I think these male or female types all have the same MO, they like their prey young and inexperienced for the control factor.
61 posted on
08/03/2011 8:20:46 PM PDT by
Sea Parrot
(Obama may not be a natural born citizen, but there is no denying that he is a natural born liar.)
To: BreezyDog
To: BreezyDog
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