Do you honestly believe that if this was not a young white girl but a black girl or a Muslim that this 24 hour side
show with lynch mob panels and fist fights to get in to gawk would be going on?
Not on your life. It would be swept under the rug.
It's not black or white thang... it's pretty vs ugly. If Casey was a CUTE black girl... hell yea! Same circus. If she was a woofer... NO TV sensation.
I can’t decide if you are blaming white America for wanting to see justice against a white American, or wishing this had been a black or muslim girl. You make no sense.
They only lynch mob is the one you have for the black judge.
“”Do you honestly believe that if this was not a young white girl but a black girl or a Muslim that this 24 hour side
show with lynch mob panels and fist fights to get in to gawk would be going on?
Not on your life. It would be swept under the rug.””
You have to be kidding!! If this was a black girl, we would be seeing Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton leading the mob. What are you talking about? If it was a Muslim, we’d probably have obozo leading the mob.
Actually, I think a lot of people got invested in this story and trial because we started out looking for a missing little girl that the mother lead us to believe had been taken by the nanny.
Then the story started taking a new twist or turn daily with each new lie by Casey. We were fascinated with the bravado this mother showed in lying to the police about her place of employment and other lies.
So, in answer to your question, her color has nothing to do with this and you know it.