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To: Jemian
Good morning. Well, I didn't mean to sound weird. I was just saying be careful what we are celebrating.

After I got over the shock of this happening while this monster was still illegally holding office, I was saying not to celebrate at all, because he will slurp up every bit of credit he can eek out of it. And I was saying..."The good news is that Osama is dead. The bad news is that we lost our Republic. He just sealed his re-election in 2012."

However, since then, more and more has come out, as you know, about his dithering before making a decision. He has known this day was coming since the intel came out in August or September where Osama was located. He has had months and months to dither on it, while the Seals and others trained on the mission. Then while he took 16 hours to dither, the target could have escaped.

Amidst all this, there was a great deal of confusion coming out about what went down during the mission, emitted by the lying mouths of his handlers. Osama was armed, and then no, we was unarmed. Oh, no he was armed. Osama used one of his wives as a human shield, then, no, he didn't.

And people are finally seeing his arrogance showing by his victory lap and refusing to give President Bush the credit he deserves for putting in place the instruments that resulted in the intel, and how this hideous monster vehemently objected (and after being illegally put in the Oval Office, immediately eliminating these very instruments that ultimately resulted in Osama's death), and the refusal to release the photos and videos, and President Bush telling this bastard (literally, because there is no evidence of a marriage license of Stanley Ann Dunham to whoever fathered this monster) to pound sand when the monster invited President Bush to run the victory lap at Ground Zero.

He didn't have to make any decision about killing Osama. He had no choice, because to let this one go by would have ensured the end of his political career. He did it for one reason and one reason only. To be re-elected in 2012. It's ALL about him. Always has been.

The breakfasts of late have been going well. Yesterday there wasn't much discussed about OBL's death because we all know what's going on. The discussion was way more about the deficit and debt. Any updat on going back to Indonesia?

134 posted on 05/05/2011 1:54:57 AM PDT by Two Thirds Vote Aye (I was saying 'I hope he fails' before Rush was.)
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To: Two Thirds Vote Aye

>>about his dithering before making a decision.

Mark Levin said last night that any President would have made the same decision. In effect, there was no decision.

I’ve pictured myself in that role and I would have not made a decision because I would have already given the military the green light.

Where was the courage, Obama.....?? In accepting the Peace prize?

135 posted on 05/05/2011 2:09:32 AM PDT by The Raven
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To: Two Thirds Vote Aye

Well that’s the thing. Caligula did NOT want to capture and kill OBL. However, hubby’s take is “what is the relationship between Obama and Osama?” IOW, did they have some back-room relationship, maybe through their Arab connections, that Obama didn’t want Osama to broadcast? I’m usually the one for conspiracy theories, but he has me beat on this one.

Of course, Caligula didn’t want him captured or killed. Caligula essentially agrees with Osama. But, there were too many people who knew about the operation to let it go. So, he dithered. As usual. But it is really too far out in front of 2012 for it to help him and that, too, was part of the dithering.

More will come out about this raid and it won’t look good for Caligula at all. The liberal part of his base is upset about killing Osama. The black part of his base won’t care what he does. But I bet they’re not going to vote this next time either.

All of our monthly support is pledged. But we still have a sizeable one-time need. It was around $20,000 at the beginning of February. Now, it is around $7500. I have seen that amount wiped out overnight. But, it takes people. Do you know anyone who needs a tax deduction? We’ll leave as soon as that is gone. Maybe this summer.

137 posted on 05/05/2011 4:01:18 AM PDT by Jemian (War Eagle!)
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To: Two Thirds Vote Aye
Thirds, my husband and I said the same thing....

...Look at how they've treated our military and intelligence community...

..even now our CIA guys are under the Holder gun BECAUSE of the very types of pressure put on the bad guys that eventually got us Osama.

Surely Holder will back down....but I'm not holding my breath.....(sigh) I've become so cynical.

.. Sunday, Monday those SEALS were the US TREASURE....highly praised....warmly embraced...

I knew it wouldn't last with the Rats... they're being excoriated because they used the name GERONIMO for their mission, and because they left part of the helicopter behind.

144 posted on 05/05/2011 6:31:15 AM PDT by Guenevere (....)
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