Posted on 03/25/2011 7:16:06 PM PDT by SunkenCiv
Precious: The relic, said to be a thorn from Jesus's crown, has been kept at Stonyhurst College, in Clitheroe, Lancashire, for the last 200 years. The thorn has Mary Queen of Scots's pearls twined around it
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Yep, the axe I hold in my hand is the same one that George Washington used to chop down the cherry tree. Of course the handle has been replaced several times as well as the axe head, but it is the same axe non-the less.
I don’t see anything. From what I’ve read/seen the thorny plants that grow in the area have thorns 3-4 inches long. I can’t even see the one in the tube.
“is said to have been seized from Constantinople”
See: Volume II. Relics.
Very Very Skeptical....
This is the kind of **** that Jesus threw people out of the temple for.
said to bloom only at Christmas.
Unless they can trace this thorn all the way back to the crucifixion of Jesus I am extremely skeptical ... no, not even skeptical, but believe it to be just a torn that was sold down through the ages to those that wanted to believe.
Ah, an impoverished vocabulary and an impoverished understanding of Scripture.
I think there are enough of Jesus' crucifixion crown thorns still around to build Noah's Ark.
didnt that tree get cut down by vandals?
On the other hand...Wow! Mary Queen of Scot’s pearls!!!
I love plants, especially fruit trees. Planted 29 new ones in the family orchard this year.
My question is: if in fact the “relic” was as described, what value would it be?
My faith is not founded in relics in any form. The older I get the less I question scripture and the more I question men.
In Gods due time this will all be fulfilled as he planned it.
Even though this is most likely not a true thorn from THE Crown, it seems to have an unbroken chain of history for several centuries. That in of itself is something to note. Thanks for this thread and all you do here.
Yep. That is the story.
But many took cuttings and claim to have a plant derrived from it.
Have read that each year at Christmas one group still sends a cutting from one of those plants to the English monarch, as they have for hundreds of years. I am not big on Monarchs either.
Great points, thank you.
Somewhere in my slide collection is a pic of a similar thorn in a monstrance (sp? usage?) which was in the sacristy of the cathedral in Regensburg, Germany. Perhaps someone here saw the same one?
No way of knowing if it’s real— it was interestingly ancient enough had it merely dated from the days when Charlemagne would visit the city.
Aye it tis me auld auntie Mary. Took ain t’airs a tha bloody French ain changed t’holy niame of Stewart ainto Stuart. Serve er raight she lost er aid. Nay use f’pearls now she aint.
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