“Proving” that man evolved from chimps or apes is another way that the leftists demean humanity (as if they weren’t part of it — oh, wait...). It fits their narrative, so true or not, they will repeat it until it causes a fuss between those who are fooled and we who know the truth.
You can see the problem here... I mean, logic simply bounces off these people like water off a duck. What’s going to happen is that the laughter will reach a certain level and then it won’t be possible for a teacher or professor to stand in front of a classroom and talk about evolution any more without hearing snickering and seeing eyes rolling back, and at some point they (evolutionites) will all crack from the stress. At that point evolution will be something you only hear about in teachers’ lounges until those suckers all die out from old age and then it’ll be gone.
An assumption of evolution allows for one to believe your own group (or even an individual) to be superior to another. This is the CORE of leftist belief, that they are superior. They spend their lives justifying that belief.
Unfortunately, it also justifies racism. Obviously, some “races” are “more evolved” and superior than others, right?
Creationism, all decended from one man created in the image of God, obviates any thoughts of superiority of one people group over another.