Since you apparently missed the theme of the commercial, here it is in a nutshell:
In a progression of scenes we see the man in the ad denied any opportunity to indulge in tasty but unhealthy or fattening treats, even when he attempt to sneak a tasty treat while hiding from his wife. As he begins to take a sip from his Pepsi Max, his wife suddenly appears and he expects her to deny him this treat as well, but to his surprise he finds that Pepsi Max offers all of the taste but none of the calories. He smiles, and then the attractive blonde jogger sits down next to him and smiles at him too. The wife, in the habit of denying the guy any indulgences becomes incensed and throws her can at him, but he ducks so the can hits the other woman instead.
There are lots of things to find humor in the commercial, from the overbearing meddlesome broad who thinks she needs to control what other people eat (does that remind you of anyone?), to the bumbling guy who can't even stand up for himself and tell his wife that it is ok to indulge in an occasional treat, to the innocent jogger who gets popped on the head just because she happens to be in the wrong place and smile at the wrong guy at the wrong time.
Getting offended at the "message" of the commercial and thinking that Pepsi needs to apologize reminds me of the NOW hags that claimed the Tim Tebow pro-life commercial condoned violence against women when he tackled his mother as she was telling her story. (in other words, Lighten up, Francis!)
“There are lots of things to find humor in the commercial”
There’s nothing in any commercial that’s funny about throwing something at somebody, hitting that person, refusing to apologize, and then running away. How that can be construed as humorous is beyond me. And to do it in a nasty racial manner is disgusting. Reversing the roles would never be tolerated any more than having a man slap a woman or kick her in the crotch as seems to be so popular in many “humorous” things lately.
You can drown me in explanations as to the “meaning” of the commercial, and I will still be offended by the racial insensitivity and gender bias.