The people have spoken!!!!
Stand your ground Oklahoma, tell these thugs to take a hike. America supports you.
Oklahoma muslim tries to ram his religion down his neighbor’s throats.
Well, I don’t know why you would want to disallow Islamic bras but if you did, that would explain the retraining order.
Maybe Coons could show them the “separation clause” as justification for the prohibition.
misinformation and fear.
God Bless the people of Oklahoma! The birthplace of my mother~
It is because Islamic law is based on FEAR! It is based on putting a large portion of it’s people~women~under the thumbs of overbearing men.
Way to go Oklahoma!
Anybody got any tar and feathers handy?
I love that name....what Awad!!
Based on fear?? Is that Arabic for truth?? Show this Muslim clown the door.
You mean there's more than one?
If I were in Oklahoma, I would file a law suit claiming the opposite: Sharia and Inl law is unconstitutional!
Apparently, not only did Obama not get the message on Tuesday, these clowns didn’t either.
The international law part, on the other hand, is unconstitutional, as worded. International law includes treaties. Under Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, treaties are the "Supreme Law of the Land," and take precedence over any state law to the contrary. For example, a state court hearing a child custody case is required to follow The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction if it is applicable.
I don't think this is what the drafters of the referendum meant to do-- they were thinking of foreign law, which is not the same as international law-- but it is what they said.
How can he have standing to sue? What is his particularized harm? The law would apply equally to everyone so what particularized harm could he suffer? A hypothetical situation doesn’t cut it, we’re told. If there’s only a small likelihood that he would win something real if the case was decided in his favor he can’t have standing, we’re told.
How could this guy possibly have standing to bring this case to be heard on the merits? the name.
So, what part of Sharia does this guy want? Chopping off hands and heads? Legal rape? Child molestation? Plural marriage? Jizya?
Islam is incompatible with any civilized society. Here in Oklahoma, they don’t have the numbers to riot for special accomodation.....yet. But, you can see they are always grinding.
They say, “this amendment is unnecessary. Sharia will never prevail in Oklahoma.” OK, so then what does it matter if the amendment is in place? Nothing changes, right?
Muneer Awad = MyQueer Aloud.
STFU frickin third world 7th century reprobate.
Well I’ll be dipped! What a joke...this is the want shari’a law...get your butt home.
“Awad says the measure is a political attack on the Muslim community.”
Well A-wad, what type of an attack would you like us to use?