I Used to be a customer service trainer. At first I was very tolerant with CSR’s, then I got angry when one showed no desire to be polite.
Facebook is a glorious thing sometimes and at other times just too much information.
Mr HOB’s grand is living in the early 90’s. She doesn’t remember anyone and has asked for Granddad, who died in 1993. Uncle Billie who has alzsheimer’s was told she had a sroke before going into her room and he cried. He can still reason some things. It’s sad to watch them.
FB is a good way to keep long-term, long-distant relationships intact. I can only keep up, personally, with a certain number of people. But, if they are on my friend list, any time I want to see what old whoever is doing now, I can. I appreciate that aspect.
Today a CSR asked me how I would like her to address me. She didn’t immediately get all chummy with my first name. I appreciate that greatly.