There are lots of good conservative candidates out there. Don’t get stuck on one of many.
Um, isn't Sarah supporting the RNC?
IMO the best reason to support Sarah is that electing her would make liberal heads pop like zits all over the country and, especially, in the media.
Clearly she couldn’t be worse than the current idiot-in-chief, so what have we got to lose?
I like her and hope she is around to torque the libs for a long time to come, but I really don’t think she has much of a chance at winning the white house, at least not yet.
1. Be a man.
2. Have supporters that do view her as a deity.
That would help a lot.
It is not the GOP's job to support Sarah (for President). It is Sarah's job to win the support of the GOP.
So far, she has mine.
Why don’t you leave the circular firing squad bidness to the Democrats and stop posting stupid stuff like this.
Denying Americans free speech during election time on the basis of their (which was in a nutshell the point of McCain-Feingold) is not forgivable. Neither is citizenship for millions of third world cast offs, many with criminal histories long enough to be written by Tolstoy.
Chris Christie has better credentials.
One last, at this point I firmly believe we need a Commander in Chief with actual military training and experience, and would put that quality above star power.
I don’t believe she will run for president in 2012.
She is enjoying what she does best.
Annoy the leftists
I got a call yesterday from “the College Republicans” who wanted me to listen to something Newt Gingrich was saying. I declined and told him why. Newt part of the problem, can’t be part of solution.
I know you love Sarah above all other candidates. She is very impressive, and I will support her wholeheartedly if the is nominated.
But it is way too early to decalre her the savior. Our party should have a rigoruous campaign for the right to challenge the Rats.
We should reject heir apparents and king makers.
I believe a Palin candidacy has power on its side that will flatten the Romney National Committee.
Palin needs to stop claiming that Obama sent $2 billion of taxpayer money to Petrobras. The loan came from the Export-Import Bank and we taxpayers are not on the hook.
As a holder of the Sarah Palin ping list here, I wish you'd stop with this nonsense. Everyone here is free to make their own decisions about her and to hold their own opinions and with few exceptions, none are set in cement!
Speaking for myself only, I am looking forward to a robust primary with good competition, so that Sarah emerges not only the victor, but also so strong a victor that she rallies the doubters around her too!
Dude, you’re making yourself into a droning, annoying cliché. Are you so bored at home during the day that you feel you must post mindless drivel to get attention?
The Republicans will have to support Palin overwhelmingly in the primaries. Unless Hillary runs against the Kenyan on that side, the Democrats will flood into the Republican primaries to choose Romney. That way, even were they lose the presidential race, very little will change back and Romney will be their place marker until they can get back in and finish the job. A Romney presidency will be one term and the Communists will be back in control, this time finally.
I’m with you. I only send money to her PAC as I trust her to make good decisions with it.
And since I highly doubt someone is going to come along that’s better than Palin in the next 5 months, my mind is made up to support her in the primary and the general election.
Since 2011 is just around the corner, I can’t see any darkhorse out there that I like. I will not support anyone who is just in the Legislative branch, so no more Senators or Congresspeople for me. Let them stay in the House and Senate and do their good deeds there. I want executive experience, and Sarah has that: City Council, Mayor, Governor, Gas Commissioner and small business owner.
She has the right instinct and has good judgment. I trust her to work for the peoples’ interest.
Oh puh-leez! Give it a rest already. She’s not ready for primetime any more than Barry was. 1/2 a term as governor of the least populated state in the union and she’s a quitter to boot. Don’t give me any flack about how she was being hounded by the Liberal Press and lawsuits. If she can’t take the heat now how will she be able to do it as president? Just think of the heat GWB had to deal with every single day. We don’t need a president who whines that she can’t do it and then quits in mid game. There are plenty of qualified people who are being overlooked. No more Rookies.
May I ask your age? Just curious. I have a theory.