Oh puh-leez! Give it a rest already. She’s not ready for primetime any more than Barry was. 1/2 a term as governor of the least populated state in the union and she’s a quitter to boot. Don’t give me any flack about how she was being hounded by the Liberal Press and lawsuits. If she can’t take the heat now how will she be able to do it as president? Just think of the heat GWB had to deal with every single day. We don’t need a president who whines that she can’t do it and then quits in mid game. There are plenty of qualified people who are being overlooked. No more Rookies.
We have NOBODY who is willing to take on Obama like she is. She is not PC. She is a free spirit. That is why she is the best we have. She inspires people in ways that Newt or any old guys in the GOP will NEVER be able too.
She draws the biggest crowds. she has one thing that most politicians lack, people TRUST her.
They'd better start making themselves known or heard. Time's a-wastin'.
“We dont need a president who whines that she cant do it and then quits in mid game.”
I pray you aren’t that stupid. You could easily find the facts. Are you that stupid?
I totally agree. I’m glad she’s on our side and she’s a great fund raised and crowd pleaser. President material , she is not right now .