“Maybe you got a powerglide.”
Even a Powerglide has 3 gears, low, drag, and race!
When you shove it into race get out your dustpan and broom!
The shift selector was labeled thusly: P N D L R
When you shove it into race get out your dustpan and broom!
And that, dear friends is because no matter what speed you are traveling when you yank that shifter down into "R" (for race), that Powerglide WILL drop into "R". And parts will fly.
And your engine will stall. And if the innards don't become outerds, you will be the proud owner of a terminal hemorrhage (pour trans fluid in the top, watch it come out the bottom...) Not that I learned any of this from driving a '56 Chevy model 210 hardtop with the 265 c.i. V8... Did get over 100,000 miles on it before I upgraded to a '64 Chevelle.