WHAT Apple Logo'ed peripherals, Deagle? Here are the one's Apple sells:
Yes, it is... but most of those apps that are purchased seem to be Apple... strange isnt it?
Ah, no, you are again demonstrating your total ignorance... and you are wrong to boot. Apple has very few of the 200,000 plus apps on the App store. Isn't funny how many of your "facts" seem to be made up on the spot by you????
How deep do you want that hole???
You seem to again totally missing my point, but at least for the evening, I will forgo your ignorance and say that you are right. Apple reigns supreme and everyone who has PC’s should reconsider. Is that about right?
Yes, you are an ignorant ass but your are persistent so that makes you right... Hang in there, you have a future...
Have a good evening...