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Where does it rank?
Favorite for news links two days before the local networks get around to them. ;-)
Favorite for exposing liberal lunacy in detail.
Not any sort of favorite when “Christians” use it to attack anyone who is not a member of their particular sect.
Favorite for getting political news details the mainstream media leave out.
Favorite for collecting some excellent quotes from the founding fathers and early debates.
Not such a favorite for the intolerance so often displayed here, particularly sectarian religious based intolerance.
Least favorite when the arrogant proselytizing gets going.
Hard to come back to some times, particularly when hypocrites demand that we ARE or MUST BE a “Christian” nation, that I must be a Christian, or we are doomed.
I find that sort of thread repulsive, I count Buddhist, some who’s exact religion is unknown to me, and even a Muslim among my friends.
All are Americans who put their neighbors and country ahead of their religion.
I do not view their religion as my problem to cure, or a reason to wish them ill.
So long as the adherents of any religion leave me alone, I am happy to leave them alone.
If they threaten me, or get a notion to run my life, I will exercise my natural right to defend myself.
Overall, probably about 3-4 out of my favorite five.