Maybe... but maybe it also means "reaching out to muslims" through a missile strike. Look where the implied point of impact: the heart of islam (if that is indeed a crescent). Could it be a patriotic logo designer getting one over on the 0bama people?
That may have been feasible until Michelle’s article
Surprise, surprise (h/t Weasel Zippers): They also re-re-designed the Porkulus/ website.
Branding Uncle Sam and progeny
TMPs VP of digital strategy is an unabashed cheerleader for the Obama campaigns social marketing strategy.
Her readers & she have shown who’s behind this logo, that’s all I asked for -g-
You know, today as I was looking at it, I actually saw what you are saying.
I don’t believe it, I don’t believe that’s what it means. If it was a Dick Cheney in office I could believe it. Not with our closet muslim in the WH.