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To: MaggieCarta
"I most certainly do not have a problem with the truth.

Something you cannot escape is a public lie.

When I corrected your first misleading statement with "You never supported Palin, ever, you were attacking her on freerepublic the very day that she was chosen by McCain, but you are a long time Romney supporter.", you posted a more blatant lie.

"Not true on both counts."

The problem for you is that your posting history is permanent and I was posting the truth from your posting history which is what you tried to deny
"It most certainly is true, your posting history is permanent.
You are a long time Romney fan and you started going after Palin on the day that she was first announced and you never let up.
You seem to have a little problem with truth, no wonder you keep going after Governor Palin."

You have been caught out in a bald faced lie and that is a shame that is there for everyone to see in your posting history, that would embarrass a conservative but I do notice that it is rarely a big deal to the typical romneybot.

It is called lying and making up posts for whatever thread you are on at the time and being caught by someone simply looking at your posting history.

161 posted on 09/01/2009 9:11:47 AM PDT by ansel12 (Romney (guns)"instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people")
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To: ansel12

You are not responding at all to the substance of any of my earlier posts. Talk about a "bot."

Kindly understand, I don't "make up posts for whatever thread I am on at the time." How dare you.

Well...ok...except for the posts where I'm escaping from my straitjacket and the locked room on the PDS ward at the local psych facility to find my way to an unattended keyboard in order to post on FR. I made some of that up. I have a laptop.

162 posted on 09/01/2009 10:35:03 AM PDT by MaggieCarta (We're all Detroiters now.)
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