The poll is a trap.
CNN is hoping most will pick ‘Yes’ so that they can belittle them for being uninformed.
The end-of-life provision from its healthcare reform bill yesterday, I beleive.
My understanding is that the provision was in the Senate Finance bill, not the House bill (HR 3200) to which every one references when talking about “the health bill”.
The provision was removed yesterday from the Senate Finance bill.
Now some seem to be making political hay from the confusion of what is in which bill, or even going so far as to omit any reference to other health bills to make some others seem the fool.
Yes 23% 29282
No 64% 81246
Don’t know 13% 16221
A death pannel is a death panel by any other name.
I agree with you.
The new leftist line is - the polls that show Americans are against the health care bill are meaningless since the public is misinformed by right wing lies.