Talk about moral decay..
The politicos pander to the populace as they wish.
Sad to watch fine machines like that snuffed out to play with OPM for votes or just the pure folly of it.
Maybe it is time to just flush them all.. moral reprobates.. marching under a ‘green’ banner. they didn’t give a crap about the children 50 years and they sure don’t now... evidence TARP and the Stimulus legislation of late.
Who’s in charge of the CongrA$$ the last 2 years? hmmmm.
bet their limo doesn’t qualify to get squashed..
This is the kind of stuff to expect when we have traitors destroying our republic...
Exactly what is going to happen to our elderly and disabled.
Remember the movie ‘Robots’ and the evil people in the film? RENT IT!!!!!! It is PERFECT for what is happening to the car industry.
You think that’s bad, wait unti “Cash for Croakers” hit under Obama Care...
“Get $10 for Grandma, and if Grandpa is an old white republican get $25k...”
Obama making individual success and movement up the ladder impossible... Dem/Socialist SOP
Anyone know what year this Volvo is and what make? Thanks.
The Overlords don't want cheap transportation available.
Then everyone would have it.
You can't destroy the economy one cut at a time if you give “cash for clunkers” and don't destroy the perfectly good cars that are turned in.
Or part them out, that would make other 5-15 yr “old” cars that get only 20MPG able to be fixed.
In California the voters voted in billions of dollars for a high speed get on it, it-—along with other bright ideas of the politicians—will speed us right into poverty!
Well, except for the elite Politburo of course...they even will get gold plated bandaids with Obama’s picture on them while the rest of us can just use a paper towel.
I think they have a master plan...and they are the Masters.
These are sacrifices at the altar of a cult religion.
We should be very, very concerned about this.
As someone who has, on occasion, spent hours under the hood of a car trying to keep it running properly, I find this outrageous and sickening. Only a democRat could think of something this stupid.
That is infuriating. A perfectly good engine ruined for no good reason other than class/car envy. God I hate the government.
The lefties seem to like watching perfectly good engines die... read the comments of the mouth breathers who love 0bama.
Cash for Clunkers Jeep Cherokee 4.0L engine
Cash for clunkers kill the chevy [Suburban]
Episode #165 - Death of a Clunker - (Chevy Blazer)
Cash for Clunkers: FORD TOUGH run it tell it blows bronco
Bmw 735i blown engine
Cash for Clunkers: How to destroy an engine. (’85 Oldsmobile Aurora)
Cash For Clunkers Motor Freeze (Looks a Chevy truck with paint peeled off)
dodge tough 318 truck cash for clunkers engine blow
I can’t watch any more of these. I am shaking, I am so angry.
This is maddening to those of us with kids approaching driving time. We seek out cars like this — old, safe — for our kids to drive!!
This is maddening to those of us with kids approaching driving time. We seek out cars like this — old, safe — for our kids to drive!!
Based on some numbers on another post, it'll take 7 or more years at a savings of 5 MPG to make up for the amount of energy wasted replacing a vehicle like this. I guess wasting energy is OK when it benefits brain-dead libtards.
Russ Carnahan rattled at Cash for Clunkers presser
How could I forget you guys?
Globaloney Warming ping...
It’s about control, in this case, of your choice of transportation. Zero & Co. do not even want PARTS for these older cars to be used in other, similar cars. If people want to drive a Honda Civic (what I drive) or a Toyota Prius, that’s fine. But Obamao is trying to kindly, gently force everybody into doing so.
Obama HATES the poor. He is destroying the very vehicles they usually get donated to them our they buy cheap.