I had a cat like that and when he did his meowing, I just took the box of cat food and shook it over the old food in his bowl. It worked to shut the meowing, but I was still a slave to the shaking.
I have a little kitty who has taken up residence oaround my porch. She comes to eat when I call her, but feels it necessary to yowl at me loudly for the few minutes it takes to go get the food and pour some for her. I suppose she is ticked that I'm not trained better, but she's still young and my old indoor-outdoor boys only tolerate her presence if she remains out of the center of attention.
Thanks! The “shaking trick” worked great! I usually throw out the “old” food from this am and give him “fresh” food in the pm - before his Fancy Feast - Shredded salmon can ... for dinner. Heh! Wonder how long I can fool him? ;-)