I knew nothing at all about the existence of The Watchmen prior to seeing ads for the movie. I think this is probably true with many people. Schlussel is correct that it’s being depicted as a superhero type of movie in the previews. And let’s not forget: one of the general premises in superhero movies is that the good guys win in the end. From her article, I don’t know if there are any “good guys” in the whole film. I’ll steer my kids away from this movie if they start showing any interest in it.
watchment came about during the resurgene of the graphic novels with deeper plot lines.
Watchment was famous BECAUSE it showed the complicated nature of the costumed superheroes life.
I'm just jazzed that they seem to be getting so much of the story CORRECT.
The movie is RATED R, its a movie based on a completely ADULT graphic model, if you think this is a movie for kids, then frankly you are an imbecile.
‘The Watchmen’ was a cynic’s eye view of the superhero aesthetic and if such a thing is even possible.