RINO alert. I know we should not speak ill of Republicans but Poppy and son are RINOs. They are not as bad as McCain but GW could have been good like Sarah but he let us down.
GW today to Houston reporters lamented not getting amnesty passed. :-(
Poppy paling around with Clinton was the final straw for me with him.
We have not had a Republican President since Reagan. :-(
We have not had a Republican President since Reagan. :-(
The old man was certainly milquetoastian, but I would assert that if Dennis Hastert and Trent Lott/Bill Frist would have had a pair, the last four years would have turned out totally different.
For starters, the first issue out in the second term for reforming Social Security (PRIVATE ACCOUNTS AND OPT OUT) once and for all. Republican Weiners on capital hill rolled over and handed the dems a victory. This coming immediately after Bush had INCREASED majorities in two consecutive congressional elections.
From that point on, Bush knew that the congressional republicans were on the lobbyist ‘teet’ and were basically democrats anyway. Thus we get the ridiculous Harriett Miers nomination, shamnesty, and the BullSCHIP program.
...And now, you’re getting ready to see the last two items passed congress by acclamation.
Reagan was a conservative, but led a begruding and large faction of milquetoast, big government liberal republicans like Bob Dole. The republican party has yet to expunge this scourge of liberalism. That is the blood in the streets battle that needs to happen. Either that or after Obama attempts to “spend us to prosperity” and fails, the country will be bankrupt (officially) and a conservative/libertarian majority will lift the next president to office. Lets just hope she has the balls to call out the loser retreads both in the republican and democrat parties.
So what do you think history will say about each?
I tend to disagree with you.