“There are just too many dirt-stupid people in this world.”
The Dem controlled education system continues to ensure that the ranks of stupidity are increased on a regular basis. I’ve always felt that public education dumbs our kids down and depending on the college, it’s more of the same with a dose of politics and activism as social activities.
I’m getting ready to home school our youngest. After watching three of our kids in public education, I’ve had it.
Re: Homeschooling -
plenty of folks around here that will answer any questions you have.
Join HSLDA (Homeschool legal defense)
One of the stated communist goals for America:
*Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Get control of the teachers associations.
actually, if you get involved with your kids education in public schools, it can be quite an eye opener for the little darlings...all 3 of my kids turned out to be conservatives, even with the brainwashing. That is because i stayed on them about the brainwashing and corrected it every day. I told them they have a right to question the teachers, as their job is to teach, and without questions you will never learn. If a teacher punished them for any reason, including marking papers as fail( had that happen on more than one occasion ) instead of getting angry, outthink the libtards and 90% of the time the failing grades were replaced with what they really earned. On the other end of the spectrum, i called a few teachers a$$holes to their faces and told the kid not to even attend the class...