If they actually attempt this, there’s gonna be the mother of all backlashes. These pinheads have no idea how badly people will react.
That’s assuming of course, that there’s no “generated crisis”, as Biden stated the other day.
If there’s a contrived crisis [or a real one] six months into an Obama administratin, a conservative would normally get behind the Commander in Chief — unless we are informed of his real intentions. We cannot afford to fall for a pied piper in the White House.
The key to informing the public is linking Ayers with Obama. [Biting tongue for now.]
Ayers and Obama signed the commemorative book given to Khalidi at his going away party
‘60s leftist William Ayers: Time for GOP to get over it
William Ayers said he was tired of being used as cannon fodder in America’s political wars.
WBEZ’s greatest hits - Potential Goldmine of Obama, Ayers, and Khalidi soundbytes
Peace and Patriotism (my title: Don’t call them Patriotic)
Op-Ed by Kim Allen (neice to William Ayers)
The Real Ayers Issue [NRO]
“No. It wasn’t Ayers’s terrorism that attracted Obama. It was Ayers’s leftist revolution.”