You'll notice that they are NOT REQUIRED to put the date of mailing on the mail piece.
That decision was made by the USPS in response to a request by the credit card operators in Delaware and North Dakota.
The bureaucrats who made the decision can be identified by name.
Oh, in case you missed the point, the bills for the cards arrive late enough that those who pay by mail probably don't get their payments in early enough to beat the "due by" date and thereby get hit with a "late fee" ~
This is all done by design.
The USPS should be required to require that a date of mailing be printed on the envelope of all First-Class Mail of a commercial nature.
And yes, whack the credit card operators ~ give them a standard of LIBOR +4.
-—to paraphrase somebody—life isn’t fair and if you are stupid, it’s even worse-—and as far as I am concerned , not knowing when the credit card bill is due is stupidity-—