bergamot Substitutes: mint
chives Notes: These slender, hollow shoots have a mild onion flavor. Many cooks use scissors to cut fresh chives, sprinkling them like confetti on potatoes, eggs, and salads. Always use fresh chives--they lose much of their flavor when they're frozen or freeze-dried. Substitutes: green onion tops (These have a stronger flavor and wider shoots. If using them as a substitute for minced chives, slice them lengthwise several times before mincing.) OR Chinese chives (more flavorful) cicely = sweet cicely = Spanish chervil = sweet chervil Notes: This fern-like herb has a strong anise flavor. It's not well known in the United States, but it's popular in Scandinavia, where it's often used to flavor desserts. Substitutes: fennel leaves OR chervil (milder anise flavor)
curly parsley = curly-leaf parsley Notes: This has less flavor than Italian parsley, but it makes a terrific garnish. Don't bother buying dried parsley--it has very little flavor. Substitutes: Italian parsley OR chervil OR celery tops OR cilantro
dill leaf = dillweed = dill weed Notes: You can find soft, feathery sprigs of dill leaves in markets throughout the year. Chopped dill is often paired with fish, cucumbers, potatoes, or it's added to dips, salad dressings, or cream sauces. Dill loses flavor when it's heated, so always add it to cooked dishes at the last minute. Avoid dried dill; it has very little flavor. And don't confuse dill leaves with dill seeds--though they come from the same plant, they're not good substitutes for one another. Substitutes: tarragon (especially in sauces that accompany fish or eggs) OR fennel leaves (as a garnish; looks very similar)
hyssop Pronunciation: HISS-up Notes: The leaves and small blue flowers of this plant are used as a garnish or to impart a mild, slightly bitter flavor to salads, soups, and liqueurs. Don't waste your time drying the leaves--they'll lose almost all of their flavor. Substitutes: sage
Italian parsley Notes: This is the best parsley to use for cooking--it has more flavor than the more common curly parsley. Avoid dried parsley; it has very little flavor. Substitutes: curly parsley OR chervil OR celery tops OR cilantro
lemon balm = balm = melissa = bee balm Notes: Cooks use this herb in teas, salads, jams, and soups. The fresh leaves also make an attractive garnish. Substitutes: bergamot (herb) OR lemon zest
lemon thyme Notes: This variety of thyme has a lemony flavor. Substitutes: thyme + dash lemon zest
rosemary Equivalents: 1 tablespoon fresh = 1 teaspoon dried Notes: The Italians are particularly fond of this pungent herb with its needle-like leaves. They often use it to flavor meats and tomato sauces. Rosemary stems, stripped of their leaves, can also be used as skewers for kabobs. Dried rosemary is an excellent substitute for fresh. Substitutes: sage OR savory OR thyme
sage Equivalents: 1 tablespoon fresh = 1 teaspoon dried. Notes: Sage is often combined with other strong herbs to flavor meat dishes and poultry stuffings. Use it sparingly; a little goes a long way. Dried sage is an excellent substitute for fresh. Substitutes: poultry seasoning OR rosemary OR thyme
summer savory Notes: Summer savory is milder than winter savory. Substitutes: thyme (stronger flavor) OR thyme + dash of sage or mint
tarragon Notes: The French are especially fond of this aromatic, anise-like herb. They often use it to flavor delicately flavored foods like eggs, fish, cheese, and chicken, and it's an indispensable ingredient in sauce béarnaise and in the herb mixture the French call fines herbes. Use it sparingly--a little goes a long way. Frozen tarragon is an excellent substitute for fresh, but use the dried version only in a pinch. Substitutes: dill OR basil OR marjoram OR fennel seed OR anise seed OR angelica
thyme Pronunciation: TIME Equivalents: 1 tablespoon fresh = 3/4 teaspoon dried Notes: This herb is widely used in Mediterranean countries to flavor stews and meat sauces. It's often used in combination with other herbs, like rosemary, parsley, and oregano. Use dried thyme only in a pinch--fresh thyme is far more flavorful. Substitutes: omit from recipe OR herbes de Provence (This blend contains thyme.) OR poultry seasoning (This blend contains thyme.) OR Italian seasoning (This blend contains thyme.) OR savory OR marjoram OR oregano
winter savory Notes: This perennial herb has a stronger flavor than its annual relative, summer savory. Substitutes: summer savory (milder) OR thyme (stronger flavor) OR thyme + dash of sage or mint
1 tablespoon fresh = 1 teaspoon dried
Copyright © 1996-2005 Lori Alden
Berries are the delicious and often fragile fruits that grow on vines, bushes, and runners. They have many virtues--they're colorful, easy to prepare, good for you, and so delicious that you can serve them for dessert all by themselves. The only downside is that they're often pricey, since it's a Herculean challenge to get them to market before they spoil. Many don't make it, so check them over carefully for mold before putting them in your shopping cart. Berries don't ripen once they're picked, so the deeply colored ones tend to be the sweetest and most flavorful. When you get them home, store them in the refrigerator and use them as soon as possible. Don't wash them until you're ready to use them, and freeze any that you can't get to right away.
alkekengi See Cape gooseberry.
baby kiwifruit Notes: You can eat this tiny kiwifruit hybrid skin and all. Substitutes: grapes bilberry = whortleberry = blaeberry = whinberry Notes: This small, tart berry is the European counterpart to the American blueberry. Bilberries are usually made into preserves. Pronunciation: BILL-beh-ree Substitutes: juneberries OR huckleberries OR cranberries (tarter than bilberries) OR blueberries (larger and sweeter) OR currants
blaeberry See bilberry.
blueberry Equivalents: 1 pint = 3 cups Notes: Blueberries are small and sturdy, so they're perfect for tossing into cakes, muffins, cereal bowls, and fruit salads. Like other berries, they also make good preserves and tarts. Select firm, dark berries that have a whitish bloom on them. You can find fresh blueberries in the summer, but frozen blueberries are available year-round and work well in many recipes. They're very perishable, so keep them refrigerated and use them as soon as possible. You can also buy blueberries frozen, dried, or canned. Frozen berries get a little mushy after they're defrosted, but they'll work well in many recipes. Substitutes: huckleberry (larger seeds and tarter, otherwise very close substitute) OR juneberry OR red currant OR raisins (in baked goods) OR dates (in baked goods) OR bananas (in baked goods)
boysenberry Notes: A boysenberry is a cross between a blackberry, a raspberry, and a loganberry. It's more fragile than a blackberry, but it also lacks the blackberry's conspicuous seeds. Select boysenberries that are dark in color and free of mold. Substitutes: loganberry OR blackberry (This has larger, more noticeable seeds.) OR raspberry OR olallieberry OR dewberry OR youngberry
bramble See blackberry.
champagne grapes See Zante grapes.
Chinese gooseberry See kiwi fruit.
Chinese lantern See Cape gooseberry.
cloudberry Notes: Both the color and flavor of these Scandinavian berries pale in comparison to the raspberry. Substitutes: raspberries
cranberry = bounceberry Shopping hints: These tart berries are traditionally used to makes sauces and garnishes for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. It's best to buy them at their peak in October and November, and freeze any that you don't use right away. Substitutes: lingonberry (smaller, better flavor) OR carissa (especially for jellies) OR rhubarb
currant Pronunciation: KER-unt Notes: These berries are too tart for most people to eat out of hand, but they make terrific preserves and garnishes. They come in three colors: red, white, and black. If color's not important, you can use them interchangeably in most recipes, though red and white currants aren't as tart as black. Don't confuse these berries with the dried fruit of the same name that looks like a small raisin. You can sometimes find fresh currants in specialty produce markets in the summer. If not, frozen currants are a good substitute. Substitutes: gooseberries OR raspberries
dewberry Notes: These are similar to blackberries, only they're smaller. Substitutes: youngberry OR blackberry OR raspberry OR loganberry OR boysenberry OR olallieberry
elderberry Equivalents: 1 cup = 145 grams Notes: These are too tart for most people to eat out of hand, but they make terrific preserves and wine. Substitutes: black currants OR cranberries
frais des bois = wild strawberry = wood strawberry Plural: fraises des bois Pronunciation: (singular) FRAY-day-BWAH (plural) FREHZ-day-BWAH Notes: These small, wild strawberries are either white or red, and have a very intense flavor. Substitutes: strawberries golden raspberry Notes: This is a blonder version of the red raspberry. Substitutes: raspberries golden berry See Cape gooseberry.
golden gooseberry See Cape gooseberry.
golden husk See Cape gooseberry.
gooseberry Equivalents: 1 cup = 150 grams Notes: These large, tart berries are in season only in June and July, but canned gooseberries work well in pies and fools. American gooseberries are round and about 1/2 inch in diameter, while European gooseberries are oblong, and about twice the size of American gooseberries. They're very acidic, and so they're great with roasted meats, like goose. The freshest gooseberries are covered with fuzz. Substitutes: rhubarb (excellent in fools) OR kiwi fruit (These are much larger than gooseberries, but they're excellent in fools.) OR currants (preferably red currants)
grapes = table grapes Notes: Many varieties of grapes are turned into wine, vinegar, jelly, and raisins, but table grapes are for eating out of hand. They're classified by their color--red, green, and blue--and by whether they have seeds or not. Seedless varieties are popular because they're easy to eat, but often the seeded varieties offer more flavor and better value. Substitutes: kiwi fruit OR blueberries (in fruit salad)
ground cherry See Cape gooseberry.
huckleberry Notes: These are similar to blueberries, and they're great for making preserves and syrups. Some specialty markets carry them in the summer. Substitutes: blueberry (inconspicuous seeds and less tart, otherwise very close substitute) OR bilberries
husk tomato See Cape gooseberry.
jaboticaba Pronunciation: zhuh-BOO-ti-KAH-buh Notes: These resemble large, dark purple grapes, and they're very popular in Brazil. You can eat them like grapes, though you might want to first remove the seeds and thick skin. You can also make delicious jams, jellies, and wines from them. Substitutes: grapes
juneberry = saskatoon = serviceberry = shadberry Notes: These are very similar to blueberries. Substitutes: blueberry OR huckleberry
keriberry kiwi See kiwi fruit.
lingonberry Notes: These tart relatives of the cranberry grow only in cold climates. Substitutes: cranberry (larger, tarter, inferior flavor) OR red currants
loganberry Notes: These are like blackberries, only they're dark red when ripe and more acidic. They're especially good in pies and preserves. Substitutes: raspberry OR blackberry OR boysenberry OR olallieberry OR youngberry OR dewberry
marion berry Notes: After Washington, D.C., mayor Marion Barry was arrested for possessing cocaine in 1989, marion berry jam enjoyed brief popularity as a novelty item. Substitutes: blackberry (smaller)
monkey peach See kiwi fruit.
mulberry Notes: These are so fragile that almost no markets carry them. Substitutes: blackberry (smaller, not as fragile)
olallieberry = olallie berry Notes: This cross between a youngberry and a loganberry is black and fairly sweet. Substitutes: loganberry OR youngberry OR raspberry OR boysenberry OR dewberry OR blackberry physalis See Cape gooseberry.
poha See Cape gooseberry.
saskatoon See juneberry.
serviceberry See juneberry.
shadberry See juneberry.
strawberry Notes: Strawberries aren't as fragile as other berries, so they don't need the special handling that makes most berries so expensive. The best time to buy them is in the spring, but you can find them throughout the year, though the price might be higher and the quality lower. Select berries that have fully ripened to a dark red. Substitutes: raspberry OR guava (especially for shortcakes) OR kiwi strawberry tomato See Cape gooseberry.
sweet gooseberry Notes: These are similar to gooseberries, but they have a red blush and are much sweeter. Substitutes: gooseberries tay berry Substitutes: blackberry
thimbleberry Substitutes: raspberry
whinberry See bilberry.
white currant Pronunciation: KER-unt Substitutes: red currant
whortleberry See bilberry.
yang-tao See kiwi fruit.
youngberry Notes: This is closely related to the blackberry. Substitutes: blackberry OR olallieberry OR loganberry OR raspberry OR dewberry OR boysenberry
Zante grapes = champagne grapes Notes: These clusters of tiny grapes are often used as a garnish. Substitutes: other garnish