Big Blue won one against a determined opponent, barely
The Dawgs won one against a determined opponent, barely
The Tigers won one against a determined opponent*, badly
A win is a win.
*bless Vandy's heart
True. A win is a win. Even if it comes versus such stalwart opponents as Western Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Delaware State and whatever glitter wearing “big” 10 opponents “big” bloop can schedule.
The Dawgs won one against a determined opponent, barely
Should read: The Dawgs won already lost one against a determined poor opponent, barely
Plus: GTech showed how it sucks as bad by needing the officials to bail them out against another poor opponent.
But pup will say he only roots for the winner after the championship game is over....we know better......he is perpetually depressed about his true affiliation, and rightfully so......sort of like his blue haired beach bunnies, sterling early bird specials, and rocking bingo parties.