PJ-Comix wrote: “In Mitt’s case you can leave the wine part out. However, the rest of us can drink champagne at his inaugural party exactly one year from today!”
Only in your comic book fantasy world.
Back in the real world, the Clintons have a thick oppo book on Romney, and they will chew him up and spit him out.
I saw Dem consultant Donna Brazile on one of the talking head panels on TV last night. She said if Romney is the nominee, the Dems plan to go after him on his serial flip-flopping. Since this is what Republicans did to Hanoi John Kerry in ‘04, the Dems are salivating over getting payback. Payback’s a bit*h, and its name is H. Rotten Clinton.
They will use Romney’s many misstatements against him, especially the “My father and I marched with MLK through the streets of Detriot” one. They will use his false claim that he “had the endorsement of the NRA” in a prior election. Even though the Dems are anti-gun, they will use misstatements about his firearms ownership and his claim that he had “been a hunter all my life.”
The Dems will also try to spin Mitt’s record at Bain Capital, where he was a turnaround specialist, against him. They will paint him as an eeevilll and heartless kaptialist who took over companies and took people’s jobs away to cut costs. This will play to the poplulist current out there and tap into some of the same people Edwards and Huck have been appealing into. The extreme left will also lap it up.
Below the radar, they will attack his religion. This will be carried out by surrogates who cannot be traced back to the Democrat party or to Hill and Bill. If you think you’ve seen Mormon-baiting in the primaries, you ain’t seen nothing yet. This is the way the Clintons play the game of politics.
The Dems will beat Romney like a rented mule, and Hillary Clinton will put her hand on ther bible on a cold day a little less than a year from now and lie about preserving and protecting the constitution of the United States.
One "little" flaw in your logic. A Hillary nomination will tear the left apart. Expect as many as two or maybe three independent parties running to the Left of her like Bloomie and Ralph that will draw the votes away from the Democrats. Folks, rather than the gloom and doom displayed here, I see a HUGE crackup among the Democrats in a few months. That party is already beginning to break up due to their feuding factions.