You must be new here!
There is a double (or triple, or heck, quad) standard here....
Sex with little boys by adult women— good!
Sex with girls- BAD!
HOWEVER, posting pictures of jailbait age girls in bikinis with nipples showing is OK if it’s posted by a Freeper male.
In fact, there are 100’s of boobage, buttage and beaverage posts all over this site!
YET! Adult women in general are bad— because they don’t like all men, make men do stupid things, talk back, vote (how dare they), take BC, have sex because they LIKE IT! and often divorce said men or don’t want to be wives to these men and mothers to their children....
Women are very bad....
UNLESS! they are hot and very stupid (stupid enough to have sex with boys).
However, in genereal, adult women here are supposed to be asexual, dumb as hammers, not like sex, not mind being belittled, insulted or ridiculed and never, EVER talk about sex (much less post pictures or threads involving it).
BUT< if she has sex with a 13 year old boy! Shes a goddess!
See, it gets confusing! ;)
It is the very odd situation where the crime committed (teacher babe doing young student) is the very rare crime that a guy wishes he were the victim of (appearently situation so odd it forces me to use bad sentence structure - but you get the idea - or maybe you don’t - since it confuses me too, and it’s my idea. I dunno.)
Maybe I’m weird but I don’t find mentally deranged people attractive, no matter how cute their face is.
I actually started to respond to your post, but as I got deeper into it, it became quite clear that you are a dilusional individual. I don’t know where you have come up with some of the impressions you seem to harbor, but it sure wasn’t here.
Those Freepers should be punished!!