He sounds like the kind of guy who wants Romeo and Juliet to star two men in a San Fran bathhouse.
He sounds like the kind of guy who wants Romeo and Juliet to star two men in a San Fran bathhouse.
Yes, and Lady Macbeth's "Unsexing speech" will be deemed as offensive to womyn as it suggests that a woman can't be as strong as a man.
Considering the multitude of scandals that the BBC has been involved with recently, most involving staffers cheating or being breathtakingly dishonest in one fashion or another, a project such as this is an excellent opportunity for them to do something right for a change and to reclaim their place as a respectable institution, but their recent history suggests that it will be merely a slap in the face of a "dead white male" and a colossal insult to anyone who has ever picked up a book in their lives. I will undoubtedly end up watching it when it's released, but I don't have terribly high hopes for the content. I do sincerely hope that I will be proven completely wrong.