The consequences of abusing a pit bull puppy have consequences on the community at large. More so than the consequences of abusing a cocker spaniel. So much so that the risk to the community must take priority over the rights of the individual to own a pit bull.
The consequences of abusing a pit bull puppy have consequences on the community at large. More so than the consequences of abusing a cocker spaniel. So much so that the risk to the community must take priority over the rights of the individual to own a pit bull.
Okay, lets ‘play’ for a moment;
“The consequences of abusing a gun have consequences on the community at large, More so than the consequences of abusing a knife. So much so that the risk to the community must take priority over the rights of the individual to own a gun...”
If its your concern that people - especially Children - are at risk due to pit bulls being alive and owned....then it stands to reason you want to ban guns, given accidental shootings and intentional shootings account for far more number of dead and maimed.
I hope you see the contradictions you are expressing....unless of course your a gun grabber, then you’d be consistent...but wrong....(chuckle)