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Microsoft takes on the free world (Gates wants royalties on Linux)
Fortune Magazine ^ | May 13, 2007 | Roger Parloff

Posted on 05/13/2007 4:05:27 PM PDT by Zakeet

Free software is great, and corporate America loves it. It's often high-quality stuff that can be downloaded free off the Internet and then copied at will. It's versatile - it can be customized to perform almost any large-scale computing task - and it's blessedly crash-resistant.

A broad community of developers, from individuals to large companies like IBM, is constantly working to improve it and introduce new features. No wonder the business world has embraced it so enthusiastically: More than half the companies in the Fortune 500 are thought to be using the free operating system Linux in their data centers.

But now there's a shadow hanging over Linux and other free software, and it's being cast by Microsoft. The Redmond behemoth asserts that one reason free software is of such high quality is that it violates more than 200 of Microsoft's patents. And as a mature company facing unfavorable market trends and fearsome competitors like Google (Charts, Fortune 500), Microsoft is pulling no punches: It wants royalties. If the company gets its way, free software won't be free anymore.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

KEYWORDS: chairthrowing; intellectualproperty; linux; microsoft; monkeyboy; opensource; patents; software; tech
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To: Golden Eagle

LOL! You believe Slashdot over Microsoft? That’s one for the archives!

201 posted on 05/16/2007 11:04:44 AM PDT by ShadowAce (Linux -- The Ultimate Windows Service Pack)
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To: ShadowAce
You believe Slashdot over Microsoft?

I don't see it as an either/or situation, they both seem to be saying the same thing. Microsoft's patent protection is to Novell's customers, not to Claims is completely protected from MS patent suits is clearly false. That's why I shouldn't even waste my time with your red herrings. You bring up all these peripheral claims constantly in an attempt to get away from ever discussing "the father of free software" just to be proven wrong on the peripheral claims as well.

202 posted on 05/16/2007 11:19:48 AM PDT by Golden Eagle
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To: Golden Eagle
No you haven't you've been caught lying again and are just trying to cover it up.

You know, you always claim "lie," but you can never back that up. Meanwhile, we have a very long list of proven, factual lies from you.

Bottom line: A Microsoft attack against OpenOffice is an attack against Sun. Microsoft therefore risks retaliation. I have a quote from the CEO of Sun to back up my assertion. What do you have?

203 posted on 05/16/2007 11:35:38 AM PDT by antiRepublicrat
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To: antiRepublicrat
we have a very long list of proven, factual lies from you.

LMAO no you don't. You have a bunch of ridiclulous BS like this from other times you were defending leftists and free software for communist governments. Fact is, the only absolutely proven liar is you, since you have outright admitted to making up lies, on purpose, to defend criminal Russian hackers. Want me to link it? Your quote is "Yes, I lied." That's as clear as it can possibly get. Unless you want to claim you were lying then too LOL.

Bottom line: A Microsoft attack against OpenOffice is an attack against Sun. Microsoft therefore risks retaliation.

Not with patents since they have a cross license patent agreement that Open Office doesn't have. Since you've finally apparently come to grips with the facts Open Office doesn't belong to Sun, and Sun has a patent agreement not to sue Microsoft, what other sort of "retaliation" are you claiming will happen in your dwindling fantasy land?

204 posted on 05/16/2007 12:03:25 PM PDT by Golden Eagle
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To: antiRepublicrat
I have a quote from the CEO of Sun to back up my assertion.

Which you did not link of course, and now I see why. Not only was the quote from 2004, you left off the quotation marks and added your own commentary inluding the word Microsoft to make it look like they were recent and actually came from the CEO when it was actually just you posing as him! LMAO! Typical BS from you, there's no level to which you won't stoop to support leftist freaks like Stallman.

205 posted on 05/16/2007 12:34:51 PM PDT by Golden Eagle
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To: Golden Eagle
Which you did not link of course, and now I see why. Not only was the quote from 2004

The post was made after the 2004 Sun/Microsoft patent agreement when people thought Sun had left OpenOffice out to dry since it isn't included in the agreement.

Get your timelines straight before you criticize, or you just end up looking dumb.

you left off the quotation marks and added your own commentary inluding the word Microsoft to make it look like they were recent and actually came from the CEO when it was actually just you posing as him!

Uh, no. Quit your unfounded accusations.

First, notice that I was careful to be honest in that posting, even adding [my emphasis] to the bold text.

Second, yet another lesson for the clueless: There's this little tag in HTML called "blockquote." See the word "quote" in there? I thought so. It's meant so that those who know HTML can block-off a quote. It indents everything between the tags so that those who are used to reading HTML-formatted text know it's a quote.

Now notice that my mention of Microsoft is outside of the blockquote! View the source of that post if you know how and verify it. No rational person could have though I did what you said, but then nobody here thinks you are rational.

Retract your unfounded, libelous personal attack and apologize -- honestly, not politician style. And then don't do it again.

206 posted on 05/16/2007 1:20:48 PM PDT by antiRepublicrat
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To: Golden Eagle
LMAO no you don't.

Yes, I do. One time I racked up at least five lies in the same thread. That includes factual lies and misrepresenting my posts, including by taking them out of context, just as you recently did in this thread. You were even called on your actions by others at the time.

Fact is, the only absolutely proven liar is you

Still mad at being exposed for a fraud? Poor baby, want a hankie? *sniff* *sniff*

I have an idea. Get an education and maybe you'll be able to keep up in these threads. Hey GE, what's a microkernel?

Not with patents since they have a cross license patent agreement that Open Office doesn't have.

Yet the Sun CEO promised to defend it, in the context of the Sun/Microsoft patent agreement.

207 posted on 05/16/2007 1:30:04 PM PDT by antiRepublicrat
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To: antiRepublicrat
Retract your unfounded, libelous personal attack and apologize

ROFL! I've actually enjoyed exposing you as a leftist liberal fraud yet again. As for your claims your indexed your quote it doesn't appear that way on my Palm browser. Start using normal quotation marks instead of some weird probably foreign method and maybe you won't get stomped on so hard next time. Maybe.

208 posted on 05/16/2007 2:18:05 PM PDT by Golden Eagle
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To: Golden Eagle
As for your claims your indexed your quote it doesn't appear that way on my Palm browser.

It's not my fault you use systems that don't display correctly. Start reading with a proper HTML renderer. Until then, don't accuse me out of your ignorance.

Now retract and apologize. The HTML shows I used blockquote, a standard method for quoting another's text.

Blockquote has been in HTML since at least 2.0, and its purpose is described as (my emphasis):

5.5.4. Block Quote: BLOCKQUOTE
The <BLOCKQUOTE> element contains text quoted from another source.

A typical rendering might be a slight extra left and right indent, and/or italic font. The <BLOCKQUOTE> typically provides space above and below the quote.

Single-font rendition may reflect the quotation style of Internet mail by putting a vertical line of graphic characters, such as the greater than symbol (>), in the left margin.

Example of use:

I think the play ends
<P>Soft you now, the fair Ophelia. Nymph, in thy orisons, be all my sins remembered.
but I am not sure.

I don't see any call for redundant quote marks. You are wrong, as usual. You personally attacked me based on your ignorance, as usual.

Start using normal quotation marks instead of some weird probably foreign method

True, the World Wide Web is a foreign invention. Oh, wait, foreigners can't invent anything according to you.

Your HTML and WWW history lessons are now over. Start educating yourself instead of relying on me. I don't get paid enough to teach students this dense.

209 posted on 05/16/2007 3:18:55 PM PDT by antiRepublicrat
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To: antiRepublicrat
Now retract and apologize.

Forget it. Include a link next time you want to quote something so we can verify what you claim, which you clearly failed to do. You are an admitted liar, therefore nothing you say in your constant defense of leftists should be trusted. Nor will it be.

210 posted on 05/16/2007 3:43:21 PM PDT by Golden Eagle
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To: Golden Eagle
Forget it.

I didn't expect the honest thing from you. You never let me down.

Include a link next time you want to quote something so we can verify what you claim, which you clearly failed to do.

I verified when challenged. I even verified what any novice HTML user knows, which is what blockquote is for. You claimed I was dishonest with no evidence to back you up because you can't read extremely basic HTML formatting. Worse, you fail to retract your personal attack when proven wrong.

This adds another absolutely proven instance to your record of unsubstantiated personal attacks using lies and distortion, fueled by your paranoia and ignorance.

You are an admitted liar

I told the truth myself, contrary to the lie you told that you caught me. Meanwhile, you refuse to retract a lie in this very thread.

211 posted on 05/16/2007 5:41:11 PM PDT by antiRepublicrat
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To: antiRepublicrat

Get real, the “quote” you provided without a link was almost three years old. Sun’s CEO had fresh comments on his blog yesterday, where he referred to Microsoft as a quote “business partner” and recommended they not litigate, but made no responsive threats whatsover. Did you link that? No, you pulled some quote from 3 years ago out of your rear and left it without a link to infer they were recent. But when you’re stuck defending whacko leftists like Stallman, there’s not much else you can do LOL.

212 posted on 05/16/2007 5:56:47 PM PDT by Golden Eagle
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To: Golden Eagle
Get real, the “quote” you provided without a link was almost three years old.

Are you blind? I already told you the quote was from after the Sun/Microsoft deal, and referring to the possibility of Microsoft suing over OpenOffice. Wow, that happens to be the current subject. People predicted this possibility long ago, and Swartz was being naive in dismissing them.

But you're still sitting with you calling me deceptive in that post, something disproved. You remain a proven liar.

213 posted on 05/16/2007 6:08:49 PM PDT by antiRepublicrat
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