Forget it. Include a link next time you want to quote something so we can verify what you claim, which you clearly failed to do. You are an admitted liar, therefore nothing you say in your constant defense of leftists should be trusted. Nor will it be.
I didn't expect the honest thing from you. You never let me down.
Include a link next time you want to quote something so we can verify what you claim, which you clearly failed to do.
I verified when challenged. I even verified what any novice HTML user knows, which is what blockquote is for. You claimed I was dishonest with no evidence to back you up because you can't read extremely basic HTML formatting. Worse, you fail to retract your personal attack when proven wrong.
This adds another absolutely proven instance to your record of unsubstantiated personal attacks using lies and distortion, fueled by your paranoia and ignorance.
You are an admitted liar
I told the truth myself, contrary to the lie you told that you caught me. Meanwhile, you refuse to retract a lie in this very thread.