Absolutely. I loved the way Seidlin opened the doors to all sorts of issues that may otherwise never have gotten air time. And you can't put that "toothpaste" back in the tube!
Attorneys play judges. I've even seen an attorney bring the judge flowers IN COURT because it was her birthday.
This court was different. Seidlin played Barth and folks thought he was oogling. She thought she had it made in the shade.
IF Howard had to do it again, I think he would have agreed to an out of court deal and had Daniel buried in the states with some control of the arrangements. Remember, Larry AND Virgie said he should be buried in the USA.
Howie, Howie, sitting on the stand.
Sipping air with a pretty shaky hand.
Seidlin was thinking as his eyes filled with tears.
Say the right words and you'll get 50 years.
Seidlin was a Prize!!