Howard made a statement that "Daniel said he was suddenly tired" (or something similar). Howard continued: "I guess I should have made more of it at the time."
It had to be AFTER he had helped his mom to the bathroom at about 6:30 AM. But I can't seem to see where it logically fits into the time frame between helping his mom and the time they found him.
Of course the kid was tired....That was a pretty stressful evening after a plane flight, photo session, mom and son first meeting since we don't know when??
Most hospital beds are not that big are they?
>>>What are the chances that Daniel would really crawl into his mother's bed in the hospital? She just had a C-section and it would be pretty tough not to bump her in some way.>>>
As a mother who had three c-sections... you feel literally like horses trampled you from the armpits to the groin. Sore all on the inside, not just at the incision site.
So I can't imagine ANYONE crawling into bed with me. It was bad enough getting into a queen size bed with my husband after coming home. Just him wiggling in the bed and jarring me could wake me up from a deep sleep. Of course since I had to actually get up to nurse (when I got milk anyway) and wanted to be able to wake up and also not medicate my daughter (which I accidentally 'gave' her some laxatives once, but that is another story for another day HA!), I wasn't on near as much medication as ANS was probably on.