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To: andysandmikesmom

"...I know that you and I do not agree on the evolution/creation debate..." ~ andysandmikesmom

I don't know what you think I believe about it, so I don't know if you know that or not. :)

".......I would like to ask you about another TV preacher, who also has a home base church, but is on, at least here in the Pacific Northwest, for 6 hours at nite...I am speaking about Arnold Murray. ..Just curious about your opinion of this Arnold Murray, and his very different beliefs regarding creation/evolution... Thanks in advance."

You're welcome. I'm giving you a lot of info below, so you may want to print out what you find at the links and read them when you have time. Some of the heretical stuff he "preaches" is on the same order as that of Herbert W. Armstrong, and some of it is straight out of his own fantasies.

First some background on what constitutes "heresy":

One of the tasks of apologetics - the branch of theology concerned with the intelligent presentation and defense of the historical Christian faith - is to counter heresy (the opposite of orthodoxy) with sound doctrine.

Charges of heresy are most serious where they involve deviation from the central doctrines of Christianity:

Click here to access the hot links in the commentary below:

"Central doctrines" of the Christian faith are those doctrines that make the Christian faith Christian and not something else.

The meaning of the expression "Christian faith" is not like a wax nose, which can be twisted to mean whatever the speaker wants it to mean.
The Christian faith is a definite system of beliefs with definite content (Jude 3Off-site Link)
Certain Christian doctrines constitute the core of the faith. Central doctrines include the Trinity, the deity of Christ, the bodily resurrection, the atoning work of Christ on the cross, and salvation by grace through faith. These doctrines so comprise the essence of the Christian faith that to remove any of them is to make the belief system non-Christian.
Scripture teaches that the beliefs mentioned above are of central importance (e.g., Matt. 28:19Off-site Link; John 8:24Off-site Link; 1 Cor. 15Off-site Link; Eph. 2:8-10Off-site Link).
Because these central doctrines define the character of Christianity, one cannot be saved and deny these.
Central doctrines should not be confused with peripheral issues, about which Christians may legitimately disagree.
Peripheral (i.e. non-essential) doctrines include such issues as the timing of the tribulation, the method of baptism, or the structure of church government. For example, one can be wrong about the identity of "the spirits in prison" 1 Peter 3:19Off-site Link) or about the timing of the rapture and still go to heaven, but one cannot deny salvation by grace or the deity of Christ (John 8:24Off-site Link) and be saved.
All Christian denominations -- whether Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant -- agree on the essential core. The relatively minor disagreements between genuinely Christian denominations, then, cannot be used to argue that there is no objectively recognized core of fundamental doctrine which constitutes the Christian faith.
Source: Alam Gomes, Cult: A Theological Definition, excerpt from "Unmasking The Cults"Off-site Link

Once you have the above information, you can use that to make your own determination about Arnold Murray (click here to access the hot links mentioned below):

"Arnold Murray denies the Trinity, Christ's physical resurrection, that there was a race of people before Adam, that Eve had sexual relations with Satan to produce Cain, etc. The descendents of Cain are called Kenites and, well,... I guess they view me as a Kenite. At least that is what the followers of Murray have said to me -- in not so nice terms.

The Shepherd's Chapel is a church out of Gravette, Arkansas run by a man named Arnold Murray. Mr. Murray has a television and radio outreach where he spreads his particular doctrines. Many of these doctrines of his are definitely not biblical.

Introduction (hot links)

To students of the Shepherd's Chapel
What is Shepherd's Chapel?
Who is Arnold Murray?
What does Shepherd's Chapel teach?

Issues and Answers
Is Shepherd's Chapel Christian?
Did we exist as souls prior to Adam's creation?
The serpent seed and the Kenites
Shepherd's Chapel and the rapture
An open letter to Arnold Murray of Shepherd's Chapel


Here's more:

Spiritual Food... or Slow Poison?


Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel

A ministry which has become popular in some Sabbatarian COG circles in recent times is that of Arnold Murray of "Shepherd's Chapel" which has headquarters in Arkansas. Murray has had a television and radio ministry for almost two decades, but only recently has it moved from late-night "cable access channels" to more prominent distribution across the country at prime times. Because he seems to agree in many areas with the doctrines of some Sabbatarian COGs-including rejection of such holidays as Christmas and Easter, and a brand of "British Israelism-he seems to many like a "sound teacher". His popularity also seems to be related to the fact that his programs feature "in depth" study of the Bible verse by verse, and the fact that he speaks with an air of confident authority in condemning the practices of many religious groups. His delivery style is one of dogmatic insistence, often with unusual harshness, that his "interpretation" of any debatable passages is the only possible interpretation".

This in itself ought to send warning signals to the sincere Bible student. But it is not the only reason we are pointing out the ministry of Arnold Murray as one which may well be dangerous to the spiritual health of those who begin to look to him as a source of spiritual food. Our greater concern is that he does not present openly a number of doctrines which we feel cross the border from questionable to evil. Only when one has been studying his material for some time is one indoctrinated into these more serious matters. This is quite typical of authoritarian religious ministries. Their outreach to the public is often tempered to show a very benign facade on their system of beliefs. And the topics covered in such public outreach are usually their most appealing... not their most bizarre.

So it is with the ministry of Arnold Murray. Those merely listening to his daily or weekly radio or TV program for a short time will not hear a hint of some of his more bizarre teachings-particularly the racist doctrines known as "Satan's Seed", or "Serpent's Seed" (these are not two different doctrines, just two names for the same one) and the "pre-Adamic races". For, just like many branches of the KKK and the Aryan Nations, Murray teaches that only the white northern European ethnic groups are actually descended from Adam. He teaches that all other races are part of a "pre-Adamic" creation, and are not "made in God's image" in the same way Adam was. Nor do they have the promise of inheritance of the same blessings in the after-life as the so-called "White" race. In addition, he also teaches that the group of people viewed by most people as "Jews" today are not at all descended from the Israelite tribe of Judah. Rather, many or most of them are allegedly descended from Cain. And Cain, according to the "Satan's Seed" doctrine, was not the offspring of Adam and Eve, but of a sexual relationship between Eve and the "serpent" in the garden, the Devil himself. Thus Cain and all his descendants, usually dubbed "Kenites" by such teachers, are alleged to have been half-human, half-evil-spirit-being!

This pair of doctrines is quite frequently connected in fringe religious circles with such Biblical doctrines as Sabbath and Holy Day observance. And many who hold these doctrines believe a brand of "British Israelism", and may also use the Hebrew names for the Father and Son, variations on "Yahweh" and "Yahshua". This makes these groups initially appealing to those who may hold such beliefs as important, and who thus look at these groups as likely "fellow believers". In the case of the KKK and the Aryan Nations, the racist beliefs are quite blatantly promoted. But in a number of ministries such as Murray's, they are reserved from introduction until the "student" has become "hooked" on Murray's more general teachings, and begun looking to him as an all-wise authority figure.

Since most of Murray's teaching is done by speaking, rather than in written materials, it is not easy to acquire quotations for inclusion in an article such as this. But there are other groups on the Internet that promote almost identical teachings and who do have much written material posted to explain their beliefs.

Example of Satan's Seed Doctrine

So here is a sample from the website of the "Kalifornia Knights of the Ku Klux Klan". This material is regarding the "Pre-Adamic" races, in particular how they survived the Flood of Noah's time. When the author below uses the word "Identity" he is referring to one of the major branches of the "British Israel " movement. This branch is referred to by both themselves and by critics as the "Identity" movement, sometimes also referred to as "Christian Identity". These are typically the more radical racists, such as the Aryan Nations. The author considers himself and his KKK associates part of that "Identity" movement.

Also, when he refers to "the beasts of the field" he is referring to the "non-white" races, which he alleges to be part of a pre-Adamic creation by God, in some cases tens of thousands of years before Adam. These are just short, disconnected excerpts from a much longer article. [[Our comments in the midst of his writing will be in double brackets like this.]]

Greetings to you in YHVH/Yahshua! In this Bible study, it is my intent to clarify what the Scriptures say on the subject of "man and beast". It is of the utmost importance that we make the distinction between man and beast, and learn how the Scriptures pertain to these two forms of beings, separately, as well as their relationship with each other. Those of you within the Identity community will readily accept what the Bible tells us of this subject, and you may have already found this knowledge on your own. On the other hand, those who do not study the Scriptures in the same detail as those of us whom "hold the Key of David" and call upon the name of our Father Yahweh may not be as receptive to this crucial understanding of the Scriptures. If this be the case for you, then I ask that you put aside the teachings and doctrines of men that you have been taught in the "Establishment Churches", and open your heart and your mind to the Holy Spirit, and Word of Jesus Christ/ Yahshua (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all in one being)....

[[ Note that when he says "distinction between man and beast", he is not talking about the distinction between man and four-footed animals... but between the "white" race and the other races! At this point, he goes into a long dissertation on the origin of these "less than human" people. Also notice that he describes himself and his compadres as studying the scriptures in "detail". Of course we should "study the scriptures in detail"-if that means to diligently read all of the Bible and be open to all the spiritual understanding our Father would have us glean from the clear meaning of the written Word. But what this author, and most others like him, including Arnold Murray, means, is to extract doctrines from the scriptures that are never explained in the scriptures at all! They start with an idea, then tear apart the wording of numerous verses, analyze every related meaning of the Greek or Hebrew individual words rather than look at it all in context, and then they assign to the words whatever meaning would best fit their perverted theories! He finally reaches the Noah's flood story-which he claims was not about a worldwide flood.]]

At this point, you may be wondering about the Great Flood. Most pastors and ministers have been taught enough about the Scriptures, and have access to enough resources, to know that this "global flood theory" is based upon a mistranslation, and know full well how that mistranslation occurred. Is this to say that the Word of God is in error and cannot be trusted? God forbid! The error is not in the original divinely inspired text, but rather in the imperfection of the flesh. Hands of flesh translated these Hebrew and Greek documents; fallible flesh. This being said, let us remember that the Word of God is never in error, only the translations of the flesh. These pastors and ministers continue to teach the global flood, with little or no archeological evidence. Watch the Trinity Broadcasting Network, or one of the other fake Christian channels, and observe their "amazing proof", and you will get the idea. There are even some circles of Identity which teach that both the serpent seed, and the beasts of the field from all over the world survived this "global flood" on board the ark. These so-called "Identity Teachers", as it is said in the Scriptures, heap coals upon their own heads...

As we read the following Scriptures, let us bear in mind that there is no evidence that the Adamic race has spread across the entire globe. They dwelt in a single nation, or land. This will be addressed a little later in this study. This verse of Scripture, and others like it are the one's used as primary evidence of a global flood.

Genesis 6; 17: "And behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the 'erets { earth as in dirt or ground, most likely meaning a land, as we will see later} , to destroy all basar { flesh of people} , wherein is the breath of life, from under the heaven; and every thing that is in the 'erets shall die."

In this Adamic flesh is "the breath of life." Let us find the Biblical reference to who has the breath of life. Is it all creatures that draw air into their lungs? This is everything that the Scriptures have to say on what has the breath of life:

Genesis 2: 7: "And YHVH God formed man { 'adam...blushing man} of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and 'adam became a living soul."

[[ Elsewhere in the article he makes a big point that only the "white" race can "blush". ]]

There is no wiggle room here, brothers and sisters. Adam was given the breath of life. Neither the beast of the field, the fowl of the air, nor the fish of the sea were given the breath of life, nor were they made living souls. All Adamic flesh, which alone contains the breath of life, was destroyed. All of it under the heavens, because Yahweh had kept it contained in the 'erets. Yahweh kept it contained in that land. "...AND every thing that is the 'erets shall die." That is right. Every thing that was in this land where 'adam dwelt would perish in the deluge, along with the people that dwelt there. However, it does not say every thing under the heavens.

Genesis 7: 4: "For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the 'erets forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from of the face of the 'adamah."

That is correct, Yahweh destroyed every living thing that dwelt in that land. There are many verses saying this same thing, and they are all true, for there is no untruth in the Word...only misinterpretations. Allow the Holy Spirit that our Father instilled in each of us, to speak to you on this matter as we delve deeper into this subject...

[[ To clearly reiterate... he is saying that "non-white" people do not have the "breath of life" in them. Then there is the issue of intermarriage of the races. Below is his take on that, in light of the passages in Leviticus about people "lying with animals". Perhaps you thought that this passage was about the perversion known as "bestiality"? Not according to this author!]]

Leviticus 18: 23-24: "Neither shall thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you."

Deuteronomy 23: 2: "A bastard (taken from the Hebrew word "mamzer" which means a mongrel or a half-breed) shall not enter into the congregation of YHVH; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter in to the congregation of YHVH."

"Well I thought Jesus came for everyone, regardless of race!" Certainly some of you are thinking this. Well, Yahshua did come for all men ('adam), but not for the beast of the field. Let us see where man and beast differ in the New Testament...

[[ After some very creative twistings of the New Testament to make his point, he concludes by telling you what happens after death to "men" and the "beasts of the field"... ]]

You see, the spirit of man, though we see it not, shall return to the celestial planes { upward} to be with Yahweh when his flesh tabernacle returns to dust, while the spirit of the beast shall go into the inner earth { downward} , where resides both the grave { Hades} and a chamber known as Paradise. Only Yahweh can say what becomes of the beast there, but only Israel shall reside in the Kingdom of Heaven, for this has been told to us over and over in the Scriptures. May our Father Yahweh/ Yahshua shower His blessings upon you, and may He open your eyes to these truths, if you are of the pure line of Adam.

[[Enough of this evil teaching! But please realize that the same authors teach many other solid Bible principles in ways we would probably find acceptable.]]

Variety of Bad Teachers

The issue of "racism" is dealt with in a number of different ways by individual teachers and ministries and groups that promote this sort of doctrine.

a. Some are blatantly and viciously racist and particularly anti-Semitic to the point of willing to perpetrate violence on any Kenites or sub-humans who get in their way. Some even advocate an all-white separatist nation.

b. Some are blatantly racist-mocking other races (particularly Blacks and Jews) for their inferiority- but condemn violence.

c. Some, including Arnold Murray and Dan Gayman, another teacher who has had some popularity in COG circles in recent years, are not blatantly racist-and even make a big public fuss about their lack of "prejudice" or "hatred" for other races. But the reality behind those statements is interesting, for of course they don't "hate" Blacks or Orientals or Native Americans. They just pity them for not being White! They look down on them as a British aristocrat might look down on his scullery maid. Not with hate or prejudice-just as a natural "inferior".

It is unclear, however, if Murray takes it as far as Gayman's group does. If you wish to attend with Gayman's group, and are not totally and obviously "lily white" you must prove your racial purity. First with the "blue blood" test. Yes, you roll up your sleeve and they check to see if your skin is light enough to see the veins! After that they do an extensive genealogical check on your reputed ancestry, looking for family pictures of any questionable ancestors. They even claim that Hebrews 4:12 ( "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart") is really discussing physical genetics. That is, that the Holy Spirit will supernaturally reveal the true racial identity of anyone who might try to "pass" for white and thus pollute the congregation. For we are not talking here of just "general" divisions among folks who are obviously one race or another. We are talking, as the old saying goes, "one drop of (non-white) blood" being enough to contaminate someone so that they are ineligible for consideration as one of the "chosen".

Almost all such groups that we are aware of have some roots in the British Israelite movement, or at least have borrowed teachings from that movement. And therein is one of the added problems with someone like Murray. Just because they don't teach "racial hatred" among their inner circle, doesn't mean that their area of much wider influence doesn't include many folks who will take the aberrant doctrines they teach regarding these matters and run with it on their own. For this common thread of British Israelism gives their material wide appeal far outside their own little cultic group-without any balancing factor. For instance, Dan Gayman himself does not openly advocate racial hatred and/or violence. But, his writings show up for sale on rabid racist sites on the Internet such as that of the Aryan Nations, where they are used in support of their beliefs. And he certainly doesn't seem to be protesting their inclusion there.

As covered extensively in the May-June 1999 issue of Servants' News, we also have serious concerns about looking to the writings of hyper-charismatic and Word-Faith (see box for definitions) authors for spiritual nourishment. For even when such hyper-charismatic authors as Rick Joyner, Rod Parsley, and John Bevere are teaching about "inspirational" Biblical topics not specifically related to their more bizarre charismatic beliefs, the "doctrinal underpinnings" of their belief system, and those very bizarre beliefs, often color such teaching. But this may not easily be detected by the reader unfamiliar with their other writings. The more of this material one reads without careful consideration of where the author may be headed doctrinally, the easier it is for a reader to get swept along into accepting all of their ideas. If the difficulties were presented by themselves and up-front, they would probably be easily spotted. If an author can get his readers into the "Yes-Response" mode (see box for definition) he can force conclusions that seem reasonable but are really based on logical fallacies.

To Whom Will You Listen?

No author or teacher out there will have the exact same set of beliefs as you. Nor will any have the exact same way of prioritizing the value of various doctrines (for instance, is belief in a particular prophetic scenario part of the "trunk of the tree" of Christianity, or merely a twig?) Thus we all must make some decisions on what level of differences we can accept, what we can overlook as not being a spiritual threat, and what we must insist is totally unacceptable and dangerous to the spiritual health of ourselves and others.

To assist you in this process, we offer six questions which you might ask yourself as you develop your own decisions of to whom you will listen and who you will recommend to others.

1 What do I know about the teacher's ministry as a whole?

a. Do they have just a specialty that they share regularly, or do they have a complete system of theology that they try to proselyte listeners to?

b. Is there any hint that there might be hidden topics or a hidden agenda in the person's teachings?

c. Do they have a list of all of the material they distribute (or a doctrinal statement)?

d. Do the leaders of this ministry fulfill the qualifications of leaders given in 1Timothy 3 and Titus 1?

e. If the ministry appears to have a "good report", is it only from their own mouth or do "outsiders" (especially former members of the group) confirm it also?

2 What is the teacher's approach to his own group versus other church groups. These approaches are common.

a. "I am the one and only true Bible teacher and all other groups are false and the people in them are not converted."

b. "I am the main teacher that God is using. God may be using others that I do not know about, but that is because God has not revealed me to them yet.

c. "I am God's main teacher. There may be converted believers in other groups, but they are being deceived by false teachers. All teachers not in my group are false."

d. "I am God's main teacher. God may be using teachers and brethren in other groups, but they would all be better off if they learned from me. Truly spiritual people would recognize me has God's leader."

e. "God has revealed the truth of a particular doctrine to me, though He is working in many other groups. God does not require them to join my group, but in order to have the true understanding of my doctrine they need to hear or read my teaching."

f. "I am one of many teachers whom God is using. I try to serve and teach the people who God brings to me. I learn from others and hope that others can learn from me."

The higher someone is on the above list, the less likely you should be to listen to them. While people in categories a, b and c may apparently have some truth that few if any other groups do, it is very difficult for a person to learn just "some things" from them. How can a student be "learning truth" from a teacher who believes that the student is unconverted because he has not embraced his entire theological package. Category d teachers are difficult but probably acceptable. Category e and f teachers are obviously much better. When recommending teachers to others, consider their maturity and try to avoid recommending teachers that might cause them to stumble.

3 If a certain teacher has at least one serious "aberrant" teaching (see "definitions" box) in their system of belief, is it...

a. A minor point that they only mention in passing

b. A point that they clearly state is their understanding of the Bible

c. A doctrine that does not determine who is "saved" or in the "true church"

d. A central theme in their teaching

e. A hidden assumption that may color much of their other teaching

f. A topic that they deliberately hide from the uninitiated, but hold as a hidden agenda they ultimately wish to "push.

If a, b and/or c above are true, this teacher may still be a source of wholesome "nutrition" in areas unrelated to the doctrine you consider wrong. If d, e, or f are true, you may still decide you will study their material, but with eyes wide open to the possible unbiblical problems you may encounter. But you may not want to casually recommend such a teacher's material to others without giving a strong warning to the unwary about the specific areas of their teaching you find questionable.

4 If someone were to "take in" much of the material presented by the teacher in question, as their main source of "spiritual nutrition", would the result be merely a partial "deficiency" in some nutrients... or an actual poisoning?

Using the example of the teachings of Chuck Swindoll noted above-if someone were to listen to him on a regular basis, and not do much of their own Bible study, there are certainly many areas of doctrinal understanding that they would be limited in. But the basic teachings about Godly living principles would do them in good stead in their daily life. Such a person would be able to easily have their areas of deficiency improved by additional Bible study and sound teaching from other sources, without having to "unlearn" questionable doctrines. For, as noted above, Swindoll spends almost no time on debatable areas of doctrine but rather on application of simple Biblical principles.

What if, on the other hand, a person were to feed almost totally on the teachings of someone like Arnold Murray, who claims to have almost all the answers to any question you might have about any area of doctrinal understanding? After a certain amount of time they might be so steeped in some of the minutia of some of Murray's more esoteric and non-Biblical doctrines that it could poison them spiritually. Once someone has begun to look to a teacher as a "teacher sent by God", their teachings are no longer isolated bits of information to consider. Their teachings become a "whole package" which dedicated students tend to swallow-poison and all.

To get away from a dogmatic teacher, a "student" must not only be shown evidence against the teacher's "poisonous" doctrines, but they must also be shown that the numerous other doctrines in the "entire package" are either not unique to this teacher, or also in error. When a person has spent a long time at the feet of one teacher, the effort required to "reconsider everything" can be overwhelming.

5 What would the result be in the daily life, and particularly in relationships with others, of a person who would accept the "total package" of that teacher? The teachings that some people are descended from God and others from Satan lead one to believe that salvation is largely a matter of who you are, not what you do, which is contrary to Christ's teaching, and should be easily seen as obvious nonsense. Think about it. Many people who may have uncertain ancestry might be left wondering, "Can I be saved, or am I a 'beast of the field'?" When believers think to help or share the gospel with others, they would always have to try to figure out the person's race so they would know if they are helping a person who can be saved or just another "beast". If one had a severe accident and received a blood transfusion or an organ transplant from someone of the wrong race, one would have to worry if his or her salvation had been altered. On a daily basis, whether one reads a newspaper article or a Bible commentary, one would have to wonder about each author's ancestry-are the words from a "son of God" or a "beast of the field"?

Interracial marriage and uncertain parentage existed when the Bible was written. If only some people were eligible for salvation, determining who is and who is not would be one of the most critical topics covered in the scriptures-but the issue is never clearly covered at all.

Similarly, what would be the end result of the Word-Faith movement if an entire community were successful at it? Who would work hard growing food, serving hamburgers, building houses, fixing appliances, or anything else if all they needed to do is utter the right prayer and God would give them what they needed? Does anyone really believe that God gave us our creative ability and the resources to use it, but He intended mankind not to work but to only pray anytime they needed a house, Honda or hamburger?

It is important to realize that some teachers provide very little help with an individual's daily life. While it is good to see the "big picture" in life and the overall plan of how the Eternal works with His people throughout history, these things of themselves do not help us to "love our neighbor as ourself". Some people spend so much time studying great "spiritual mysteries" and "hidden histories" that they have no time for healthy personal relationships and reaching out to others.

6 What do I know about the level of spiritual maturity, spiritual stability, Biblical knowledge base and intellectual maturity of the person to whom I am thinking about recommending a specific teacher's material?

A spiritually mature, long-time Christian who has good powers of reasoning may be completely capable of handling even the most subtle fallacies in reasoning of a teacher's aberrations. But a new Christian who has not been exposed much to principles of evaluating logical fallacies, and who is not grounded in the fundamental basics of the Christian faith and Bible study may be particularly vulnerable to the techniques of persuasion of someone with a hidden agenda.


We each must take responsibility for our own choices regarding to whom we will look as "teachers" in the area of Biblical understanding. And we must make responsible decisions regarding recommending such teachers to others. It is worth the time for each of us to give some careful consideration to just how we have been making such decisions in the past. And if we see that we may have not thought through the process before, the six questions above may be helpful in making such decisions in the future.


Here's more: Shepherd's Chapel / Profile

254 posted on 07/22/2006 3:27:29 PM PDT by Matchett-PI ( "History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid." -- Dwight Eisenhower)
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To: Matchett-PI

Wow...thanks very much, I will indeed print this out, and have further study of it...there is quite a bit there to I will print it out, and will be able to read at my leisure...thanks for taking the time to respond...

259 posted on 07/22/2006 3:32:31 PM PDT by andysandmikesmom
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